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Repentance: What It Is, What It Isn’t, and How To Do It
By Rick Renner / Harrison House

Most people associate repentance with displays of emotion that signal regret. But the emotional responses of remorse, guilt, or regret are insufficient to produce behavioral change. In fact, those toxic emotions may lead to an even deeper sense of hopelessness, defeat, and despair without the restorative power of true repentance. Genuine repentance dispenses with any attempt to remove guilt through a show of emotion. When activated, it leaves in its powerful wake the fruit of a changed life blazing a trail toward true deliverance, freedom, and salvation. This is the life God desires for us a life waiting on the other side of a door called repentance.

What Is Repentance?
By R. C. Sproul / Reformation Trust Publishing

In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul looks at several people in the Bible and how they give us a model of repentance. Dr. Sproul explains that true repentance is not simply a religious ritual or the resolve to do better next time. Rather, it’s a spiritual conversion in which we turn from our sin and to God in faith. Paperback.
Repentance: A Daring Call to Real Surrender
By C. John Miller / CLC Publications

Repentence begins at salvation, but it doesn’t stop there. It’s an ongoing attitude for daily living in Christ. This new edition of Repentence by C. John Miller, features an epilogue written by his widow Rose Marie, in which she shares how Jack lived out these principles on a daily basis. Learn how to experience a lifestyle of repentance with the Lord and find the peace and freedom He brings.
Return To Me: A Biblical Theology of Repentance
By Mark J. Boda / IVP Academic

“Return to me, says the LORD of hosts, and I will return to you,” (Zech 1:3 ESV).

Repentance concerns the repair of a relationship with God disrupted by human sin. All the major phases of church history have seen diversity and controversy over the doctrine. The first of Luther’s famous ninety-five theses nailed to the church door in Wittenburg in 1517 stated that ‘the entire life of believers should be one of repentance’. In recent times, two divisive debates within evangelicalism over ‘lordship salvation” and “hypergrace” have had repentance at their core.

The theme of repentance is evident in almost every Old and New Testament corpus. However, it has received little sustained attention over the past half-century of scholarship, which has been largely restricted to word studies or focused on a particular text or genre. Studies of the overall theology of the Bible have typically given the theme only passing mention.

The Key to understanding Repentance:

In response, Mark Boda offers a comprehensive overview of the theological witness of Scripture to the theme of repentance in this New Studies in Biblical Theology volume. The key to understanding is not simply to be found in word studies, but also in the broader meaning of texts as these communicate through a variety of words, images and stories. The importance of repentance in redemptive history is emphasized. It is fundamentally a return to intimate fellowship with the triune God, our Creator and redeemer. This relational return arises from the human heart and impacts attitudes, words and actions.

About the Series:
Addressing key issues in biblical theology, the works comprising New Studies in Biblical Theology are creative attempts to help Christians better understand their Bibles. The NSBT series is edited by D. A. Carson, aiming to simultaneously instruct and to edify, to interact with current scholarship and to point the way ahead.
River & Streams in the Desert: The Forty Forties of Scripture-A Forty-Day Repentance Devotional
By Jeffrey Daly / WestBow Press

Day after day, God patiently wishes you to discover Him at the deepest possible levels. The spiritual practice of repentance is the pathway into this most intimate of all human/divine interactions. Repentance, turning away from the world’s ways and fleshly desires, is the way to enter his kingdom.

River & Streams in the Desert, by author Pastor Jeffrey Daly, presents a guide to help you experience the power and liberty of repentance as a daily practice. With each of the forty scriptures, there is a connection to repentance, giving you encouragement to become more like Jesus. Each of the devotionals offers a suggested prayer for both personal and national repentance.

Insightful and inspiring, this devotional equips you with the necessary understanding, confidence, and encouragement to walk the path of righteousness and repentance. It encourages you, with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, to become zealous in repenting from old sin patterns and be inspired to be a daily witness to others.

About the Author

Pastor Jeffrey Daly, a former Wall Street lawyer, committed to serving Christ in 1991; this is his third book. He and his wife, Laurie, served as pastors of Jesus Christ Fellowship, Middletown, California. Retired from his legal practice, Daly writes, teaches, and works with national repentance and prayer ministries. In addition to founding the National Day of Repentance, he’s also a director of Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, Washington, DC. Visit him online at He is also the author of The Spiritual Battle for the White House” and “Making America Godly Again.”

Hosea & Joel: Thru the Bible Commentary Series
By Dr. J. Vernon McGee / Thomas Nelson

The scriptures come alive with America’s best-loved Bible teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee. Whether you are a new believer or a longtime Bible student, the series offers sound biblical scholarship and practical, down-to-earth suggestions for applying the principles of Scripture to everyday life. The studies in the series have been taken from Dr. McGee’s “Thru the Bible” radio messages. With his familiar, anecdotal style and lively approach, Dr. McGee makes biblical truth understandable and Bible study more enjoyable.

Joel: Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament [ZECOT]
By Joel Barker / Zondervan

For those who don’t know Hebrew, this series may serve as a great introduction. Each volume’s author uncovers the main idea of a passage; its literary context; a fresh translation; an exegetical outline of Hebrew structure and form; an explanation of the text; and its canonical and practical significance. Exegetes and expositors, dive in! 208 pages, hardcover. Zondervan.

Holman Old Testament Commentary – Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah – eBook
By Trent Butler / Holman Reference
Prophet of the Coming Day of the Lord (Joel), Welwyn Commentary Series
By O. Palmer Robertson / Evangelical Press

Here the meaning of the prophecy of Joel is presented in an easy to understand style. Joel deals with significant issues that have many parallels to our own time today. It is a reminder for the people of God to heart felt repentance and the glorious truth of the blessing of the Lord in the renewal of the earth by the outpouring of the Spirit on men and women, young and old, Jew and Gentile. O. Palmer Robertson received his Bachelor of Divinity from Westminster Seminary and his Master’s and Doctorate from Union Theological Seminary in Virginia.

A Hunger for God: Desiring God Through Fasting and Prayer
By John Piper / Crossway

Is your soul so stuffed with worldly desires that you have little room left for God? Piper invites you to turn from materialism and sharpen your appetite for God through prayer and fasting. His exploration of fasting will help you understand how this ancient biblical practice can nourish your spiritual life and satisfy your longings. 201 pages, softcover from Crossway.

A Woman Seeking God: Discover God in the Places of Your Life – eBook
By Dorothy Kelley Patterson / B&H Books

Discover God in all aspects of your life! Examining everyday experiences in the light of God’s Word, Kelley Patterson will help affirm your faith in God’s daily presence. In this collection of 36 essays, she shares insights on family life, dealing with adversity, the power of prayer, intimacy in marriage, and evangelism. A daily Bible reading plan is included. eBook Version.

AHA: The God Moment That Changes Everything
By Kyle Idleman / David C Cook

Are there places in your life where you would like to experience an aha! moment? A moment of truth that renews your heart and mind bringing transformation? Maybe for you, it’s a fear or a failure that you just can’t shake. For some, it could be the need for approval, a food addiction, or an all-out rebellion that leads to a life of excess and shame, like the prodigal son.As a pastor, Kyle Idleman has heard dozens of stories from people about their aha! moments. In this newest book, he shares the common threads from their stories, and the story of the prodigal son that will help you reconnect with the love of our heavenly Father. Drawing on Scriptural truths, he outlines three key elements (Awakening, Honesty, Action) that will draw you closer to God and change your life for good. Includes study questions.

America Return to God: Repent from Sin, Rebuild the Wall, Repair the Gates, Restore the Dream
By Alveda C. King / Elijah List Publications

One reason that America borders on the brink of economic disaster and constant violent upheaval is we have turned blind eyes and deaf ears to the plight of our brothers and sisters. Like Cain who killed his brother Abel, we have despised good and have turned away from caring about what happens to others.

We must humble ourselves as Nehemiah did: “When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.” (Nehemiah 1:4 NIV). Amazingly, in 2015, there emerged an unlikely presidential candidate who wanted to “make America great again.” He spoke of “building a wall” around America’s borders. The people became fearful; the naysayers furious. Yet the talk of America’s wall continued.Finally, 21st century America has taken notice that something more is required if there is hope for America.Yes, there’s hope, and there is still time to return to God and rebuild God’s wall of protection around our nation. If we sincerely desire to rebuild, there is much to be learned from the lessons in the books of Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah.It’s the season for the “hidden prophets” to speak out

Battle Plan for Prayer (Bible Study Book)
By Alex Kendrick / Lifeway

Develop a deeper walk with God as you seek the Lord for your battles first. The Battle Plan for Prayer Bible Study equips believers to create their own prayer strategy and be specific and strategic in prayer. This study features teaching by Alex and Stephen Kendrick on the topics of: what prayer is and is not, why God wants us to pray, specific areas of prayer, specific strategies for prayer, and more. The Bible Study book includes a Video Notes Section, Group Discussion Questions, and 5 days of homework for each week’s session.

Brokenness: The Heart God Revives, with Small Group Study Guide
By Nancy Leigh DeMoss / Moody Publishers

Nancy DeMoss has discovered an irrefutable spiritual principle: before every great moment of God there is always a time of deep repentance. Here is her moving, true account of how God created that brokenness in others – and the astonishing revival that followed.

Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God
By Jentezen Franklin / Charisma House

Are you seeking healing? Does a loved one need salvation? Is your faith community searching for direction? Tap into the power of fasting and present your requests to the Lord! Offering simple suggestions, Franklin shows how abstaining from food will leave your spirit uncluttered so you are free to seek God’s will in prayer and humility. 256 pages, hardcover from Charisma.

Goliath Must Fall Study Guide with DVD: Winning the Battle Against Your Giants
By Louie Giglio / Thomas Nelson

In Goliath Must Fall, Pastor Louie Giglio examines the story of David and Goliath to reveal how we must slay the giants of fear, rejection, complacency, anxiety, anger, and addiction in our lives. In this six-session video study, he shows how the key to living free from our giants is not better slingshot accuracy, but keeping our eyes on the one and only giant-slayer: Jesus. Put your hope in him, and watch Goliath fall. Pack includes 1 Study Guide and 1 DVD with six sessions.Sessions:Dead but Still Deadly (22:00)
Fear Must Fall (23:00)
Rejection Must Fall (20:00)
Comfort Must Fall (20:00)
Anger Must Fall (21:00)
Addiction Must Fall (19:30)Approximate running time: 126 minutesFirst Lesson Free! PDF Study Guide

Honor Begins at Home Leaders Kit: The Courageous Bible Study
By Michael Catt & Alex Kendrick & Stephen Kendrick / Lifeway

This 8-week Bible study is changing the lives of husbands and fathers everywhere. Start a study at your church, and see how its message can bring powerful change to your family, your church, and your entire community for many years to come.

Every session involves watching a clip from the movie to help group members engage in discussion. And daily readings from The Resolution for Men and The Resolution for Women will help you connect with God and His best plan for your family. This study goes even deeper than the Courageous Living 4-session study and allows spouses to study together and make new commitments as parents.

Pray Like This, DVD Leader Kit
By Steve Gaines & Michael Kelley / Lifeway

Pray Like This outlines the Model Prayer from Matthew 6 that Jesus gave His disciples; and shows believers today how to pray with an understanding of who God is and what He desires for our lives.

Pray like This Leader Kit includes a Bible Study Book and a DVD with a promotional video and six 15-minute videos that introduce each phrase in the Model Prayer, explore its theological truths, and suggest areas of life application.

The study follows a six-week format that covers these topics:

Weekly sessions include the following titles

1 – The Fatherhood of God
2 – The Worthiness of God
3 – The Kingdom and Will of God
4 – The Provision of God
5 – The Forgiveness of God
6 – The Protection of God

No More Excuses DVD Leader Kit
By Tony Evans / Lifeway

Be the Man God Made You to Be! – Sometimes circumstances in life make it difficult for men to be all God wants them to be. But Tony Evans urges men to stop looking at their circumstances as excuses and instead to see them as challenges and opportunities for success.

No More Excuses 8-session video study by Tony Evans explores examples of men of God throughout the Bible such as Moses, Joseph, and David. He challenges you to lay down your excuses and fight to be a man of character and commitment.

This No More Excuses Leader Kit includes a Bible Study Book and two DVDs with a promotional video and eight 12- to 15-minute video teaching sessions featuring author Tony Evans. The Kit also includes codes for access to digital video downloads and additional resources through Wordsearch Bible.

Session Titles/Times:


  1. Promotional Video [01:11]

2. Session 1: No More Hiding Behind the Past [11:21]

3. Session 2: No More Holding Back [13:22]

4. Session 3: No More Weak Leadership [12:04]

5. Session 4: No More Going Through the Motions [12:04]


6. Session 5: No More Compromising Your Integrity [12:41]

7. Session 6: No More Sifting Through the Rubble [13:18]

8. Session 7: No More Half Stepping [12:31]

9. Session 8: No More Standing on the Sidelines [15:27]

Session Previews

Social Media Content

The Resolution for Men Bible Study
By Alex Kendrick & Stephen Kendrick / B&H Books

Inspired by the movie COURAGEOUS, this study contains twelve commitments related to characteristics men of God want to pursue – responsibility, faithfulness, honor, justice, forgiveness, integrity, courage, and more. In eight sessions, Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick lead men through these “I Will” commitments, identifying the biblical message and ways to live out each principle in real life, especially with their families.

Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood Video Series Workbook

By Dennis Rainey / Familylife

Discover what it means to step up and live a courageous life. Based on his book by the same title, Dennis Rainey and other ministry leaders unpack what biblical manhood looks like. Stepping Up® define courage throughout the five stages of manhood and commissions men to honestly evaluate where they stand in their duties of masculinity. Essential for the small-group study experience, the workbook correlates to the 10 video sessions and provides additional thought-provoking content, small-group discussion questions, and three days of follow-up exercises for men to finish on their own.

Available at Christianbook Distributors
God, Love, and Marshmallow Wars: 365 Daily Challenges to Grow Your Marriage
By Julia M. Bruce / WestBow Press

It doesn’t matter if you have a great marriage, an “ok” marriage, one that is limping along trying to survive, or one that is headed for divorce. Through the guided activities, couple’s can develop stronger marriages as they apply God’s principles to their marriage, take an honest look at what they do and do not contribute to the marriage, and learn to never stop dating. This is a great book for any couple. For pastors, counselors, and lay leaders working with or mentoring couples, this is a great book to recommend. 

There’s no doubt that marriage is hard work. Yet it can also be one of the most fulfilling relationships you can experience, outside of your relationship with God. However, many marriages leave God outside of the relationship. Godly marriages do not happen without cultivating it, investing in it, and putting God first in your individual lives and in your marriage.

This book includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

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