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Psalm 46:1-3

Psalm 46 1-3

In the days of King David, a fortified city meant safety and protection from all kinds of trouble. It offered refuge from all the dangers outside the fortress. The strength of the fortified walls kept out the enemies and wild animals. The people inside could lay down at night and sleep in peace because they trusted that the walls would protect them through the night. We too have a fortress…God. We can run to him for our refuge and hide behind his strength. No matter what comes our way, we have no need to fear because God is always in control. We can stand on His promises and know there is safety within the refuge of Him. Take your troubles, problems, and fears to him. Cast them at His feet. The God who created the universe (including you!) is never caught unaware or by surprise. Whatever you’re facing, God’s got this….let it go. Surrender it to Him. Then live in His peace.

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