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Psalm 71:8

by Julie Bruce

Psalm 71 8

What if we went the whole entire day with a mouthful of praise and glory — even in rush hour traffic, even when the boss piles on more work, even when the children are not getting along, even when we are tired, frustrated, overwhelmed, angry, or disappointed?  If our mouth is filled with praise to God, there wouldn’t be room for words that would dishonor Him. How would our relationships be different? How would our day change?

No matter what we are going through, we can always find something for which to give God praise and glory. If you’re stuck in traffic, thank Him for a car to drive. Turn on your Christian radio station and sing along with the songs while you inch you’re way home. Instead of grumbling and complaining and getting stressed out and worked up, use the time for personal worship. When the boss gives more work, praise God that He is your strength and help and that He has gifted you with the skills to do the work that needs to be done. When the children are bickering, praise Him for gifting you with them before you go and settle the dispute. Then teach them to settle things in a way that honors God. Through every moment of today, I encourage you to find a way to praise God for every circumstance you face.

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