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Luke 2:30

March 22 Luke 2 30 NKJV

The Bible tells us that Simeon was a just and devout man, filled with the Holy Spirit who revealed to Simeon that he would not die until he had seen the Christ, the promised Savior of the World. When Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple to present Him to the Lord as commanded in the Law God gave to Moses, the Holy Spirit guided Simeon to be at the right place – the temple –  at the right time – the moment that Mary and Joseph brought the baby to the temple. The Holy Spirit showed him that the infant Jesus was the Christ and Simeon held the baby in His arms and blessed God saying, “Mine eyes have seen thy salvation.”

What if when the Holy Spirit prompted Simeon to go to the temple, Simeon said, “you know Holy Spirit, today’s not a good day. You know I’m old and my arthritis is acting up and my knees are hurting. I think I’ll just stay home today.” Simeon would have missed the opportunity to meet the Savior of the World. Instead, he obeyed the Holy Spirit and he was able to hold the Creator of the World, God’s only Son, in his arms.

What keeps you from obeying those quiet promptings of the Holy Spirit? Do you obey and receive the blessing or do you find an excuse and miss the opportunity?

God, help us to recognize the quiet promptings of the Holy Spirit and help us to be obedient to whatever you want us to do – not just to receive a blessing – but to honor you so that you are glorified in our lives. 

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God, Love and Marshmallow Wars: This book contains 365 daily challenges for couples to strengthen their relationships to each other and with God. Couples will complete activities such as Scripture memory, conversation starters, relationship builders, learning about Biblical marriage, romance builders, personal reflections, and date ideas. Click here to purchase your copy. (This link will open a new widow and take you to Westbow Press’ bookstore.) Also available on Amazon and Barnes & Nobel. It is also available at Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Nobel


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