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The Eternal Blood Donor (Hebrews 9:12)

by Julia Bruce
CEO, Author, and Conference Speaker
Image result for crucifixion of jesus
But by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.  –Hebrews 9:12

What’s the rarest blood type?

Have you ever given blood? We all know that being a blood donor saves lives. Yet, if a person receives the wrong type of blood, it can have the opposite affect. The more rare your blood type the harder it can be to find a donor. And even if you find the right donor, it doesn’t mean you live forever. Only One person is the eternal blood donor.

Years ago when I was in a car accident and doctors were considering surgery, they began looking to relatives to donate blood. My dad had the same blood type, but had cancer so they couldn’t use his. My younger sister had the same blood type, but she was pregnant, so they couldn’t use hers. Her husband, my brother-in-law, was also the same blood type and he donated blood for me. I’m not a rare blood type. Mine is rather common. However, the rarest type is AB negative and only 1 in 167 people (0.6% of the population) have it. On a bloodmobile sign one day was the following statement: “The rarest blood type is the one that’s not there when you need it.” Thankfully, our eternal blood donor is always there and ready to share His life-giving blood that washes away our sin.

The “universal” donor

On the other hand, a person with O-negative is considered a universal donor because it can be mixed with any other blood type and have the ability to save lives. However, it’s life saving power is only temporary because everyone is appointed to die at some point (Hebrews 9:27).

The Eternal blood donor

There is yet another supply of blood and it has power to give eternal life and is available to everyone – simply for the asking. 1 John 1:7 tells us, “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” Adam and Eve are the only humans that ever had a choice to live or die. They were told not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil for in the day they did eat of it they would die. When they chose to eat it, they chose death and that meant death for every person throughout history. Jesus also had a choice and He chose death – but His death would give us the choice to choose eternal life by faith in Him or eternal separation by rejecting Him.

In the Old Testament, animals were sacrificed on the altar by a priest so that the people could have forgiveness of sin but it had to be done over and over again. It was the death of Jesus and the shedding of His blood that satisfied our sin debt to a holy God as the payment of our sins. Because Christ choose death, we can choose to cry out in faith to God, repent of our sin, ask for His forgiveness and find salvation and eternal life. Through His blood that cleanses us from all sin, He gives us eternal life – now that’s a blood transfusion!

Eternal Blood is Free!

The best news is that Jesus’ blood is a free gift to all who accept it by faith. Romans 6:23 tells us, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Who can receive this free gift? John 3:16 gives us the answer: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Whosoever…that means you! Regardless of who you are or what you’ve done – you are a “whosoever!”

How do you get this free gift? Simply by believing that Jesus is the Son of God, acknowledging that you are a sinner in need of a Savior, and asking Jesus to save you and cleanse you of your sin. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

So if you are in need of an eternal blood transfusion, why not ask Jesus to forgive your sins and be your Savior right now?

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Here are some of our favorite designs:

  • Revive Us Again, Lord

God, Love, and Marshmallow Wars

What’s Inside God, Love and Marshmallow Wars?

This book includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

  • Scripture to memorize and meditate on
  • Conversation Starters
  • Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages
  • Romance Builders
  • Relationship Builders
  • Personal reflections
  • Date ideas
  • Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples

Available in hardback, paperback and ebook from Westbow Press Bookstore, Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Nobel. Click the icons below to purchase from your preferred bookstore. Now also available at WalMart online.

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 Join the community of couples on Facebook who are committed to intentionally growing their marriage and learning how to have a marriage that honors God. Here you can post photos of the different activities as you do them, ask questions of other couples, share how God is using this book to strengthen your marriage, and grow with other Christian couples. We’ll see you in the community.

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Get a Handle on Anger (James 1:19-20)

by Julia Bruce
CEO, Author, and Conference Speaker

Think before you speak


Doesn’t this verse just punch right in the gut? I mean, my natural tendency is if it pops in my brain, it’s out of my mouth in the same second! I can remember in my late teens my mom saying that she never knew what was going to come out of my mouth when I opened it….and more often than not, I ended up regretting what was said.  The Message Bible puts it this way: “Lead with your ears, follow up with your tongue, and let anger straggle along in the rear. God’s righteousness doesn’t grow from human anger.”[1]

Got Anger?

There are many reasons that we get angry. Lack of patience, being under a lots of stress, worry about paying the bills, marriage problems, rebellious children….and THAT driver that cut us off this morning. Sometimes it’s as simple as we didn’t get our way about something.

One important thing to point out is that not all anger is bad. Anger is an emotion that God gave us. Jesus even displayed a righteous anger in the temple when the money changers were cheating the people. James understood that there will be times where we get angry, but his words of caution to be “slow to anger” are wise words to follow.


This doesn’t mean that we allow anger to build and fester, letting it slowly rise up. That will only lead to an uncontrollable explosion later on. I believe that James’ words of wisdom are meant for us to stop, step back, evaluate the situation and form a proper response before we let our words and actions cause us sin.

Let your words be few

Proverbs 10:19 teaches, When there are many words, sin is unavoidable, but the one who controls his lips is wise.”[2] Ecclesiastes 5:2 says, “Do not be hasty to speak, and do not be impulsive to make a speech before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.”[3] Most of us have heard the saying, “God gave us two ears and one mouth so that we could listen twice as much as we speak.” In studying these verses, the Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible took this a little further and said, “the ears are open and exposed, whereas the tongue is walled in behind the teeth.”[4] Our teeth and lips are like two gates to our words and there are times when those gates should be locked.

Why is it important for us to be “slow to speak” and “slow to anger”?

christ in mirror

As a Christian, every word we say is a reflection of Christ. If we speak as a reaction to things and circumstances, do those words honor and glorify our Savior? We know this concept as a head-knowledge, but do we practice it? A few verses down (verse 22) James says, “Be doers of the word, and not hearers only.”

So if it’s important enough that God put this teaching throughout the Bible from several different authors, how can we be sure that we are putting it into practice? So often the words that come out of our mouth will either put out an argument or give it fuel to burn hotter.

Here are five questions you can ask in any situation to help you decide if you need to unlock the gates to your words or just be “quick to hear.”

S – Does it glorify my Savior?
P – Does it lead me to Pray for others or circumstance?
E – Does it Edify and Encourage others?
A – Does it Affirm the truth?
K – Does it advance the Kingdom of God?


Does it glorify my Savior?

In Ephesians, Paul writes, “You took off your former way of life, the old self that is corrupted by deceitful desires; you are being renewed in the spirit of your minds; you put on the new self, the one created according to God’s likeness in righteousness and purity of the truth.”[5] Because we put off the old way of life and put on the new self of God’s likeness, when the world looks at us as Christians, they should see God through our lives – every word we say, every action, every facial expression. They should see God in our work ethics and habits, in our home life, in our recreational activities, and every other aspect of our lives. They should see God in how we treat other people and they should see us love all people as Christ loves them.

But let’s get real…we are not always going to agree and there are going to be times that we get angry. Anger is one of the emotions that God gave us when He created mankind. So when these times come, how do we then glorify Christ? We can find the answer in 1 Peter 3:15-16 – “but honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. However, do this with gentleness and respect, keeping your conscience clear, so that when you are accused, those who denounce your Christian life will be put to shame.”[6] (Emphasis added)

Even in our anger, we need to approach people with both gentleness and respect. Sometimes that might mean we take some time and separate ourselves from the circumstance or person and seek wisdom and guidance from God…which leads us to the P in SPEAK.


Does it lead me to Pray for others or circumstance?

Every day people all around us need for us to be intercessors and go to God on their behalf in prayer. It’s what being a prayer warrior is all about. As we are “quick to hear,” we can take the concerns and problems other people are facing and pray for them and their circumstances. Mountains are moved and God does amazing things when we come before him and lay our concerns for ourselves and others at His feet.

Being “slow to anger” also means that we are taking time to pray about why we are angry. We can ask God to show us if there is justification to our anger or is pride the underlying motivation to why we are angry? We can ask God to forgive us if He shows us that in that circumstance, anger is not justifiable. If there is just cause for anger, than we can ask him for wisdom on how we should handle the situation and ask Him to help us be forgiving towards the person that caused it.

Does it Edify and Encourage others?


1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing[7] Over in Proverbs (15:1), we read, “A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath.”[8] Kindness, gentleness, and a soft answer often lowers the intenseness of a situation while responding with your own hot words of anger will make the whole situation worse. Look for ways that you can build the other person up and encourage them. Let them know you understand their side and be sure your words are calm, gentle and not accusing. Be sure your words also edify Christ.

Does it Affirm the truth?

speak truth in love

When we are angry, we often see things skewed or slanted the way we want to see them. Evaluate the situation honestly and trying to see things from both viewpoints will help us make sure that the words we say truly reflect the whole situation…the whole truth and nothing but the truth. But even in speaking truth, we need to do so in gentleness and love. (Ephesians 4:15)

Jesus with couple

Does it advance the Kingdom of God?

In any situation we find ourselves in, we need to be sure that the words we say lead people to Christ and not away from Him. This also includes HOW we say the words. Our tone of voice and body language are even more important than the words we say.

Why is anger such a big deal?


Weather our anger is justified or not, there are many consequences to anger. Often anger leads to thoughts and actions that are not in line with God’s expectations….which then become sin. Anger is an emotion that triggers our “fight or flight” response which floods the adrenal glands with stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. As a result, our heart rate and blood pressure rises, our respirations increase, and body temperatures rise. When there is a constant flood of these stress chemicals and anger goes unmanaged, both short and long-term health problems appear, including headache, digestion issues and abdominal pain, insomnia, increased anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, skin problems, heart attack, and/or stroke.9 Other consequences to anger can also include: hurting our relationships with others, guilt, physically hurting others or property, and legal problems. Benjamin Franklin once said, “Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame.”

What to do when anger rolls in


Whenever you find yourself with anger boiling up inside, reflect on James 1:19-20 and take the time to stop, step back, evaluate the situation and form a proper response before you let your words and actions cause you to sin.

Is this anger helping or hurting?

Stop and ask: “Is this anger helping or hurting?” Almost always the answer will be loud and clear…HURTING. However, to be able to answer honestly, we also need to step back and evaluate the situation. In the heat of the moment, all we can see is the reason making us angry. So it’s helpful if we can remove ourselves for even just a few moments. In those moments, take a deep breath and hold to the count of three. Slowly let the breath out and repeat a few times. At the same time, silently pray for God to give you wisdom for the situation and to help you not say anything that would bring further harm to the situation or escalate feelings. Ask him to reveal to you any way you may have contributed to the situation and then ask His forgiveness. When other people are involved, you will also need to be able to return to them and ask their forgiveness for any part you played in the situation.

Work on a proper response

Once you have stopped, stepped back and evaluated the situation, we need to work on a proper response. This is where the “quick to hear” becomes valuable. Hearing how other people are feeling is important. Their side of the story is just as justified as our own. So commit to setting aside your own feelings and take the time to be “quick to hear.” Listening….true listening…takes skill and is a learning process.

To be a good listener, start by facing the person you are talking to and make eye contact with them. Be attentive, but take on a relaxed stance. Your tone of voice and body language speaks much louder than your words and even if what you are saying is true your tone of voice and body language can still cause the argument to escalate. Listen to the words the person is saying and try to picture in your mind what the person is conveying to you. See their side. Stand in their shoes. Avoid interrupting them and throwing out solutions. Wait for the other person to pause or end what they are saying and then ask clarifying questions so that you are sure you understand them. Begin by saying something like, “What I think you are trying to say is….” Once you have a clear understanding of their side, calmly and with gentleness explain what made you angry. Then work together towards a solution, forgiveness and reconciliation.

Overcome the urge to blurt in a moment of anger

Overcoming the urge to blurt out words the moment they pop in our brain takes effort and when our natural tendency or habit is to blurt out our thoughts, we can often end up regretting what we say or we can start an argument that breaks down our relationships and leads to anger. When we take James’ advice to be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger, we are able to keep our words behind the gates of our teeth and lips until we have a moment to think about what we say and how we say it. If you are ever unsure if you should say something, remember this: Above all, put on love—the perfect bond of unity (Colossian 3:14) because hatred stirs up conflicts, but love covers all offenses (Proverbs 10:12) and we should maintain an intense love for each other, since love covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8).


[1] Peterson, E. H. (2005). The Message: the Bible in contemporary language (Jas 1:19–20). Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress.
[2] The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (Pr 10:19). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.
[3] The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (Ec 5:2). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.
[4] Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., & Brown, D. (1997). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible (Vol. 2, p. 485). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
[5] The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (Eph 4:22–24). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.
[6] The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (1 Pe 3:15–16). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.
[7] The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (1 Th 5:11). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.
[8] The Holy Bible: Holman Christian standard version. (2009). (Pr 15:1). Nashville: Holman Bible Publishers.
[9] Better Health Channel (2017). Anger – how it affects people. Online article.

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The “Silent Night” design returns from last year’s Christmas designs

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Here are some of our favorite designs:

  • Revive Us Again, Lord

God, Love, and Marshmallow Wars

What’s Inside God, Love and Marshmallow Wars?

This book includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

  • Scripture to memorize and meditate on
  • Conversation Starters
  • Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages
  • Romance Builders
  • Relationship Builders
  • Personal reflections
  • Date ideas
  • Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples

Available in hardback, paperback and ebook from Westbow Press Bookstore, Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Nobel. Click the icons below to purchase from your preferred bookstore. Now also available at WalMart online.

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 Join the community of couples on Facebook who are committed to intentionally growing their marriage and learning how to have a marriage that honors God. Here you can post photos of the different activities as you do them, ask questions of other couples, share how God is using this book to strengthen your marriage, and grow with other Christian couples. We’ll see you in the community.

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Need Wisdom?(James 1:5-6)

by Julia Bruce
CEO, Author, and Conference Speaker

Wisdom is needed in a year of uncertainty

Probably everyone would agree that 2020 has been a year like no other in our lifetime. We’ve faced more things this year than we would have ever thought to see. I’ve heard and seen where people are already putting up Christmas decorations — some to try to hurry this year along and hope for a better year next year and others to bring the joy of the holidays into a year full of uncertainty. Wherever there is uncertainty, we need wisdom to make that next step.

The best source of wisdom is our omniscient God

Since God created us, He knows everything about us. Our fears, our illnesses, the stress and anxiety we feel, as well as the things we celebrate. Because God is omniscient, there isn’t anything that happens in our world that He isn’t aware of. In fact, He knew COVID would happen in 2020 even when He was creating the Garden of Eden. So if we need to seek wisdom, God is the best place to go.

James’ words of wisdom

James, the half-brother of Jesus (typically considered the author of the book of James in the New Testament), wrote “Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who give to all generously and without criticizing, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith without doubting.” (James 1:5-6). Regardless of what we face in life, we can pray for God to grant wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in every situation.

Seeking spiritual wisdom

Asking God for wisdom does not just apply to uncertain times. We can also ask God to help us understand a Biblical principle of which we can’t seem to quite grasp the full understanding. We can also ask God to help us as we try to learn a new task at work or when we need wisdom in making a major life decision, such as moving, taking a new job, or making a big purchase.

No matter what we seem to lack wisdom in, God tells us to ask him for it. After all, God is the one who created the universe and set everything into motion. If anyone understands the things we have a hard time grasping, it’s God. All the scientific laws may be named after the scientists that discovered them, but they did not create the those laws….God did when he created the world. So why not go to the One who knows it better than anyone else? He is the one who can open our minds and help us see something we didn’t see before or to clear out the confusing thoughts so that we can grasp what’s true.  He the one who can give us ears to hear as things are explained to us in a way that understanding breaks through.

God gives wisdom generously

James also tells us in this verse that God gives wisdom generously. Liberally. He is a big-hearted God and he stands by ready to grant us the wisdom we need. However, the key is to first recognize the need and then to ask God for it. The Greek word for “liberally” is haploos and it means “bountifully” (Strong’s Concordance). So when we ask, He doesn’t just measure it by teaspoon fulls. He dumps it on…as much as we need for the purpose we are asking.

God gives wisdom without criticizing

God doesn’t just give us wisdom generously, but he also does it without criticizing. When I was in school, I was one of the shy kids and would have never raised my hand and asked a question because I didn’t want to look dumb to the other students in the class. I’m not shy like that anymore, but I am still glad that God does not criticize when I ask him for help to understand something. He doesn’t roll His eyes in exasperation. There is no long, drawn out sigh of frustration. Instead, He is the loving father who created us and already knows the limited capabilities of our minds. He’s like the parent who’s child is trying to learn to read and the parent picks the child up and sets her in his lap and helps her sound out each sound and put them together until she can read the word on her own. Then He celebrates with us when that “ah-ha” moment comes and we “get it.”

When we ask God for wisdom, we will receive it

James also tells us that when we ask for wisdom, we will receive it. There is no “maybe” or “if God isn’t busy with something else” or “He’ll think about it and get back to us next week.” No. When we ask for wisdom, God will give it. Because we know that God keeps his promises and He will do what He says He will do, we can ask in confidence, with faith. There is no need to doubt. Psalm 5:3 tells us that God hears our voice as we plead our case to Him and then we are to watch expectantly.

What do you need wisdom for? Go ahead and ask God to give it you, then expect Him to give it to you. He is a God who loves to generously give us good gifts.

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There are only 5 weeks until Christmas. All designs print when ordered. Order early to ensure their arrival in time for the holidays and for gift giving.

Here are some of our favorite designs:

  • Revive Us Again, Lord

God, Love, and Marshmallow Wars

What’s Inside God, Love and Marshmallow Wars?

This book includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

  • Scripture to memorize and meditate on
  • Conversation Starters
  • Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages
  • Romance Builders
  • Relationship Builders
  • Personal reflections
  • Date ideas
  • Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples

Available in hardback, paperback and ebook from Westbow Press Bookstore, Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Nobel. Click the icons below to purchase from your preferred bookstore. Now also available at WalMart online.

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 Join the community of couples on Facebook who are committed to intentionally growing their marriage and learning how to have a marriage that honors God. Here you can post photos of the different activities as you do them, ask questions of other couples, share how God is using this book to strengthen your marriage, and grow with other Christian couples. We’ll see you in the community.

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Like Mother, Like Daughter (Ezekiel 16:44)

by Julia Bruce
CEO, Author, and Conference Speaker

She’s just like me

As a mother of a daughter, I’ve heard the saying “like mother, like daughter” more than once. Especially since my daughter is a mini-me. I’ve lost count of the times people tell me she looks like me. When she was little, my dad often said it. I denied it. His solution was to take one of my daughter’s pictures and one of my pictures at the same age and put them side by side. He scanned them together and emailed them to me. Yes…we look exactly alike. Our hair was even combed the same way! The only way you could tell they were not the same child is by the very outdated (but pretty) light green dress I wore in my photo. She enjoys telling people she is a mini-me.

What if she acts just like me?

Looking like me is one thing. But what if she acted like me, made the same mistakes as me? Used the same words I do? If you are a mother of a daughter, you probably cringe at the thought, just as I do. We’ve all made mistakes, said things we wished we could take back, or done things we wish we could get a “re-do”.

As a mother, we need to be cognizant of the idea that our daughters are learning about life from us. They are also learning about God from us. But we are not her only “teachers. Our daughters are learning about life from the world, her friends and peers, and Hollywood are teaching her about life. She learns about other religions from the outside world.

We have the responsibility to give our daughters a strong foundation so that when the world steps in, she won’t be pulled into the chaos of the world. Hopefully, what my daughter learns from me will speak louder into her life in a positive way than the world and those around her. If she is going to be like me, than I don’t want to look at her life and find regrets because she learned something negative from me.

“Like Mother, Like Daughter”

Did you know this “saying” is actually scripture? Ezekiel says that it is a proverb that will be used against us. In today’s words, we might say it will come back to bite us. As we grow, mature, and become more spiritually mature, we might look back at the mistakes we made and the bad choices and fear our daughters will be just like us.

Pray over her – daily

As my daughter has grown into young adulthood, I tell her ” be smarter than mom. Learn from my mistakes so you don’t have to learn the hard way.” Mostly, I pray over her everyday. Her grandmother prays over her every day. I pray for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide her through life, to show her the God’s will for her life, and to open her ears and minds to the truths of God so that they will be louder than the lies of Satan. Regardless of your past mistakes, you too can pray over your daughters.

Be her example

You can also model Godly behavior. Be the person you want your daughter to be. Use the words you expect her to use. Dress like you want her to dress. Teach her Godly morals and values by living out Godly morals and values. Teach her how to be a wife and mother by the way you live out being a wife and mother. Children learn from how they see us behave. If you want church to be important to her, than make sure church is important to you. If you want her to have a relationship with Christ, then let her see you live out your relationship with Christ.

I want my daughter to see her mother as a woman that honors God, follows Him faithfully, and loves Him beyond measure. What does your daughter see in you?

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There are only 5 weeks until Christmas. All designs print when ordered. Order early to ensure their arrival in time for the holidays and for gift giving.

Here are some of our favorite designs:

  • Revive Us Again, Lord

God, Love, and Marshmallow Wars

What’s Inside God, Love and Marshmallow Wars?

This book includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

  • Scripture to memorize and meditate on
  • Conversation Starters
  • Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages
  • Romance Builders
  • Relationship Builders
  • Personal reflections
  • Date ideas
  • Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples

Available in hardback, paperback and ebook from Westbow Press Bookstore, Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Nobel. Click the icons below to purchase from your preferred bookstore. Now also available at WalMart online.

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 Join the community of couples on Facebook who are committed to intentionally growing their marriage and learning how to have a marriage that honors God. Here you can post photos of the different activities as you do them, ask questions of other couples, share how God is using this book to strengthen your marriage, and grow with other Christian couples. We’ll see you in the community.

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Faith Requires Obedience (Hebrews 11:8)

by Julia Bruce
CEO, Author, and Conference Speaker

When God tests your faith

Can you imagine God testing your faith with the following conversation?:

God: “I want you to pack up all you own and move you and your family to a land that I will show you. I have a task for you”

Me: “Ok, God.” [I pull out my phone and open the Waze GPS app] “Where are we going?”

God: “You don’t need to know that yet.”

Me: “Well….yes….God, I do. How else will I know how to get there?”

God: “I will show you.”

Me: “You mean, you want me to pack up everything I own and leave my family and go where I don’t know where I’m going?”

God: “Yes.”

Me: “What will my family say?”

God: “Does it matter?”

Me: [Quiet for a moment] “Well, how far away God? I don’t want to go too far away from family. It will be fine as long as I can make quick trips back home.”

God: “I will show you.”

Me: “Will there be snow? I don’t really like the cold. You know cold makes those old injuries hurt.”

God: “I will show you.”

Me: “What about money? I have to work and pay the bills, provide the insurance”

God: “I will supply all you need.”

Me: “I will miss my family.”

God: “My grace is sufficient.”

Me: “What if I can’t do what you’re asking me to do?”

God: “You can do all things through me because I will strengthen you.”

Me: “What if I fail?”

God: “I can do anything but fail.”

Me: “But God, this task is overwhelming and beyond what I can do.”

God: “Nothing is impossible for me.”

Abraham’s similar test of faith

Have you had any similar conversations with God? Abraham had a similar experience. Hebrews 11:8-9 says, “By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed and went out to a place he was going to receive as an inheritance. He went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he stayed as a foreigner in the land of promise, living in tents with Isaac and Jacob, coheirs of the same promise.” We find the account of the conversation between Abraham and God in Genesis 12.

The Lord said to Abram: Go out from your land, your relatives, and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, I will bless you, I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, I will curse those who treat you with contempt, and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you. So Abram went, as the Lord had told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was 75 years old when he left Haran.

Genesis 12:1-4

Faith requires obedience

There is no record of a conversation where Abraham asked questions…he simply obeyed. He stepped out on faith. Faith requires obedience. Faith requires us to have a deep conviction that God will keep his promises and do what He says He will do. It requires us to have complete and utter trust in His faithfulness, that His words are true. It requires us to believe that the impossible task He has given us to do is possible through Him when we do what he tells us to do. Abraham simply believed. He didn’t question God. He didn’t seek out an appointment with his pastor to discuss his travel plans. Abraham just went. He had faith that God would see him safely to the destination God had chosen.

Faith requires Complete obedience

The simple truth is, if God is calling us to do something and we choose not to obey Him, then we do not have faith that God will provide and protect us. Faith requires action and that action is obedience to God’s will and plan – exactly as God reveals it to us. We can’t follow part of the plan and ignore others. Faith requires total and complete obedience.

Maybe it’s your age that keeps you from being obedient to what God is telling you to do. Did you notice that Abraham was 75 years old when he left? If you are still breathing and have a pulse, then God isn’t finished with you yet.  What is He asking you to do?

Abraham acted by faith – Moses Gave Excuses

While Abraham was obedient and acted with faith, Moses had to get through all of his excuses before He obeyed God. Moses earned his place in the great “Hall of Faith” in the book of Hebrews, but before he obeyed, he gave God all the excuses of why God had the wrong man for the job. Even after the experience of the burning bush, Moses still gave God excuses:

“But I’m not qualified, God” (Exodus 3:11).

If you remember, Moses was raised by the Egyptian princess and when he saw the Egyptian taskmaster, beating a fellow Israelite, he stepped in and tried to do things his own way. He killed the Egyptian and became wanted for murder. He had to run for his life. So now, when God’s timing was right for the task, Moses feels like a failure.

The good news is that God can use our failures to mold us into the person He needs us to be to complete the task He calls us to do. When Moses ran away, he became a shepherd. God used these years to teach him all about shepherding – skills he would learn in shepherding God’s people. (Somehow I think before it was all done, Moses found out that shepherding sheep was way more easy than shepherding God’s chosen people!) If you are using the excuse of not being qualified to avoid doing what God is calling you to do, allow God to use any failures in your life as teaching grounds to make you ready for the God-sized dream He has called you to do.

“But I don’t know enough, God.” (Exodus 3:12).

Moses wasn’t focusing on God and what God could do through him. He was focusing on himself and all that he lacked to accomplish what God had planned. When God calls us to a task (even the ones that seem impossible), He will be with us, equip us, and give us everything we need, the moment we need it. Remember that God is the I AM and the I AM is sending you to do what He’s asking you to do. You know all you need to know for this moment in time.

“But, I don’t have the right abilities.” (Exodus 4:11).

Moses tried to tell God (the one that made his mouth) that he was slow of speech. God’s response: “Who made the human mouth? Who makes him mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, Yahweh?  Now go! I will help you speak and I will teach you what to say.” What abilities do you think you lack to do what God is telling you to do? God says that nothing is impossible for Him and whatever abilities you think you lack are of no consequence to what God wants to do through you.

The fact is that God likes to call us to do what we think we are not qualified to do, know enough about how to do it, and lack the abilities needed to do it. Why? Because then He gets all the glory when He accomplishes what man perceives to be the impossible.

Faith Requires Surrender

Any step of faith requires us to surrender. We must surrender our will to God’s will. There must be a surrender of our fears, inabilities, failures, pride, qualifications (or lack thereof), and knowledge. We can surrender to Him whatever we feel we lack and step out in faith in complete obedience, like Abraham, and do what he tells us to do – without asking questions – because we know that God’s plans for us are only good plans – plans that will give us a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). We can step out in faith, because we can trust God to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19).

So what is God asking you to do? Will you offer Him excuses or faith-filled obedience? Will you be a Moses or an Abraham?

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The “Silent Night” design returns from last year’s Christmas designs

Christmas is only 5 weeks away, so order now.

Silent Night

Here are some of the other Christmas designs available

There are only 5 weeks until Christmas. All designs print when ordered. Order early to ensure their arrival in time for the holidays and for gift giving.

Here are some of our favorite designs:

  • Revive Us Again, Lord

God, Love, and Marshmallow Wars

What’s Inside God, Love and Marshmallow Wars?

This book includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

  • Scripture to memorize and meditate on
  • Conversation Starters
  • Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages
  • Romance Builders
  • Relationship Builders
  • Personal reflections
  • Date ideas
  • Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples

Available in hardback, paperback and ebook from Westbow Press Bookstore, Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Nobel. Click the icons below to purchase from your preferred bookstore. Now also available at WalMart online.

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 Join the community of couples on Facebook who are committed to intentionally growing their marriage and learning how to have a marriage that honors God. Here you can post photos of the different activities as you do them, ask questions of other couples, share how God is using this book to strengthen your marriage, and grow with other Christian couples. We’ll see you in the community.

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