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Praying for Revival

A daily verse about the state of our nation and time for Christians reflect and unite in prayer, asking God to send a revival across our land and turn our nation back to Him. If you long for revival in America (or your nation) we invite you to reflect on these daily verses and join us in praying for revival.

Today’s Bible verse for Revival

A Call to Holiness

Leviticus 18-22 calls Israel to holiness an all areas of life, including sexual behavior, acting differently than the nations surrounding them, and how they treat the land, their neighbors, and their parents. Basically, their entire lives was to be centered around being holy. The minimal requirement for holiness is to not act like non-Christians. For Israel, this means not acting like the pagan Egyptians and Canaanites. For us, that means not acting like the world, but imitating the nature and character of Christ.

Living by God’s rules

The simple truth is we can’t change God’s rules to suit how we want to live. We can’t “redefine” marriage. We can’t decide that abortion isn’t murder. Nor can we call it a “right to a woman’s body” while ignoring the right of an unborn child, created by God and knitted together in her mother’s womb, the right to life. When man changes God’s law, man is still held accountable by God’s law – not man’s. And those who attempt to change His laws will surely give an account to God for their actions when they stand before him at the final judgment. The person who responds rightly to God’s grace by observing and obeying God’s laws will enjoy life under God’s pleasure and “shall live” with eternal life.

Revival is needed when a nation refuses to acknowledge and live by God’s laws

If the way to live is by God’s laws, the refusal to live by them implies the opposite: death. A nation that refuses to acknowledge and live by God’s laws risks a “national death.” Without repentance and turning back towards God, God will send His judgment. We can’t expect those lost without Christ to suddenly begin living by God’s laws. It is us to God’s people to not only live by them, but stand up for them, tell the world about them and lead the way back to God through repentance and revival.

The Need for Revival

  1. As you spend quite time with the Holy Spirit, ask him to reveal to you the ways our nation is not living by God’s rules and statutes. Write down the ones he brings to your mind.
  2. As you look over the list, are there any that you need to repent of personally?
  3. For each item on your list, intercede for our nation and ask God to forgive us.
  4. As a citizen of this nation, what is your part God is asking you to do to help turn our nation back to God?

Praying for Revival

Father, as we humbly bow before you, we ask you to show us all the ways our nation is not living by your rules, the ones we have changed to suit the way we want to live and the ones that we are blatantly and rebelliously ignore. Lord, which of these have I been guilty of? Convict me and show me. Father forgive me for these areas where I have not lived by your law and help me to obey you in every way. God I also humbly come to you today to intercede for my country and ask your forgiveness for not living by your laws. Show me how I can be used to help turn our nation back to you.

Lord, send a revival and let it begin in me.

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