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Quotes from the Self-Care Blog Series

Keeping Ministry Professionals and Lay-Leaders in Ministry through Biblical and practical self-care.

“For no one ever hates his own flesh but provides and cares for it, just as Christ does for the church.” — Ephesians 5:29

Today’s quote from part 24 of the Self-Care Blog series:

“Benefit of exercise #4:
Exercise can help you quit a bad habit. Habits can be hard to break. But each time you have a desire to do the negative habit, trade it for some exercise. — Julia Bruce

Read the full article here:

Quote © by Julia M. Bruce
Please credit the author with a link to the full article
when posting, sharing, or using this quote in any manner.

The quote above is from Part 24 of a blog series by Julia Bruce on Self-Care for people in ministry. Read the entire series here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23.

#selfcare #physicalselfcare #stayinministry #WCM

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Do you have a daily Bible reading plan? If not, we invite you to join us as we read the Bible through in one year. Each day we post the selected Scripture to read with links to read it online. Join us in God’s Word today!.

Today’s verse to meditate on:

John 16:33
You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.”

Have you learned this week’s memory verse?

Lamentations 3:22-23

Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness!

Test your Bible smarts and see if you can answer our trivia questions. We post a trivia question every other day and the correct answer on the next day. Stop by the trivia page and grab a question or two and see if your friends and family can answer it. Click here to get to the trivia

You can check out our Christian t-shirts for men, women, kids and infants in our Teespring and Spreadshop stores. You can also find the designs on mugs, bags, aprons, hats, and more. We also have some Christian themed canvas art available at Teespring. Browse the stores with the links below:

What’s Inside God, Love and Marshmallow Wars?

This book includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

Available in hardback, paperback and ebook from Westbow Press Bookstore, Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Nobel. Click the icons below to purchase from your preferred bookstore. Now also available at WalMart online.

 Join the community of couples on Facebook who are committed to intentionally growing their marriage and learning how to have a marriage that honors God. Here you can post photos of the different activities as you do them, ask questions of other couples, share how God is using this book to strengthen your marriage, and grow with other Christian couples. We’ll see you in the community.

Need a speaker for your next church or ministry event? We’re booking!

(Due to COVID-19, we are only tentatively booking speaking engagements for events after September 2020 based on the recommendations as issued by the CDC and our government officials.)

We are eager to be a part of your next church or ministry event – regardless of size. We can bring one of our ministry programs to your church, or we can tailor a message to your event theme. To request more information or schedule a booking, fill out the online form at the link below. Or call us at 904.239.8937.Booking now for Speaking Engagements
for church and ministry events.

A non-profit ministry located in Jacksonville, FL 
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