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Matthew 27:11. What will you do with Jesus?

Feb 13 Matthew 27 22 NKJV

When the Jewish religious leaders brought Jesus before Pilate, demanding that Jesus be executed, Pilate found no fault in Him. Not one sin. Not one wrong doing. Not one law broken. Jesus’ life was in Pilate’s hands. Pilate tried to weasel his way out of the situation through an annual custom where he would release a prisoner. He asked the crowd if they wanted him to release Jesus who was innocent of any wrong or Barabbas, a hardened criminal. The same crowd who just days before were laying palm branches and crying, “HOSANNA!” now cried out for the release of Barabbas. Pilate then asked, “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?”

Every single one of us must answer this all important question. The answer we choose will determine our eternity. We can reject Him and live our own way or we can choose to give our lives to Him as our Savior. The time to answer the question for yourself is now. It’s a decision that must be made in this life. You can’t wait until after you die and then decide. 2 Corinthians 6:2 says, “Look, now is the acceptable time; now is the day of salvation.” If you haven’t answered this question yet, then let me ask you…What will you do with Jesus, who is called Christ?

For those of us who have chosen salvation, we too much answer the same question every day. As temptations come our way or when we feel God tugging at our heart to do something He’s calling us to do, we must answer the question – What will I do with Jesus right now in this moment? Will you seek Him to help overcome the temptation? Will you obey Him and answer the call?

Pilate who was governor should have done the right thing at the beginning and released Jesus. Instead, he persistently pleaded with the crowd who just kept getting louder and louder to the point that Pilate was afraid of a riot starting. At that point it was too late for him to do the right thing. He chose to appease the crowd and handed Jesus over to be crucified. The crowd intended a very big evil against Jesus who was without any sin or wrong, but what they intended for evil, God used for the good of all people everywhere for without the cross and death of Jesus, there could be no resurrection and salvation.

So let me ask you today – What will you do with Jesus, who is called the Christ?

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