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Names of God: El-Elyon

Why are there so many names for God? Why is it important that we know what they are and what they mean? Our finite, human brains cannot fully comprehend the majesty and glory of who God is. Yet through the various names of God, He chooses to reveal Himself to us so we can come to understand the many personal characteristics of God. His names reveal His power, authority, and holiness. The better we understand and know the names of God the more personal He becomes to us and as we pray, we can call on His name that corresponds with our need. Finally, because the Bible instructs us to honor, fear, and respect God and to not use His name in vain, we need to know exactly what His names are and what they mean.

Today’s Name:

Do you ever look around and think this world is totally out of control? Whether you pick up a newspaper, watch the television, swipe your iphone or browse social media, you have a world in at state of chaos and confusion. From a global pandemic to earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods. From marriages that are casually tossed aside to families ripped apart with anger and jealousy. There a children killing the parents and parents killing their children. There is the threat of the economy collapsing and the rise of radical Islam.

But, when we come to understand El Elyon, we can be assured that there is someone who is completely and totally in charge. There is nothing that occurs in our world or even in our individual lives where God sits back on this throne and scratches his head and says, “Huh! I wasn’t expecting that one.” No, El Elyon is the sovereign ruler of the universe and He has everything under His control.

  • When El Elyon is on our side, nothing is impossible.
  • When we come to know El Elyon for who He is, we are humbled by his sovereignty.
  • When we come to meet El Elyon, we lift our eyes to heaven and bless His name and give Him praise and honor.
  • Even Satan admits that there is none greater than El Elyon when he declares in Isaiah 14:14, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”

Father, show us who You are. Reveal to us why You are worthy of being called the One True, Living God. Teach us to unabashedly love you, respect Your name, and serve only You. Make your character known to us so we can live and walk in your image. Amen.

#namesofGod #ElElyon

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