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Ask, Seek, Knock

God never gets tired of us asking

Do you remember as a kid when you wanted something you’d ask your parents for it over and over and over again? Usually until with full exasperation they reply with, “If you ask me just one more time, I’ll…” How persistent are you when you are praying and asking God for something? God never gets tired of us asking Him to meet our needs. In fact, Jesus tells us to ask, seek, and knock with the intention of keeping on until we receive an answer.

God doesn’t give us whatever we want

Matthew 7:7 tell us to “ask” but it doesn’t mean that He will just give us everything we want. When we approach God with this mindset we reduce the God of the universe down to a magical genie that grants our every wish. Yet, this is what prosperity preachers would want you to believe. Just name it and claim it – in Jesus’ name, of course. But Matthew 7:7 is not intended to be interpreted as God will give us whatever we ask for. The verse doesn’t stop with “Ask and it will be given to you.” We are to ask, seek, and knock.

Asking in “Jesus’ Name”

So then, what about asking “in Jesus’ name?” John 14:14 says, ” You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”  When we pray in Jesus’ name, we are praying on the basis of His authority and who He is – the Son of God, Creator of the world. But if we pray in His authority, then we’ve already sought His will. 1 John 5:14 says, “If we ask anything according to His will, he hears us.” So we need to be sure that what we are asking for is in His will.

One way to know you are asking for something that is in God’s will is to know what the Bible says about what your asking for. If it contradicts His Word, then it is not in His Will. Once we’ve sought and know His will, then we can know we are asking for what is in God’s will.

“Ask” is followed by “Seek”

This is why its followed with “seek.” If we are seeking God’s will, then we will know what we should ask for. If you don’t know His will, then start by asking to know it before you ask Him to give you other things. In verse 11, Jesus said that God will not fail to give His children good things, and we must trust Him that He knows what’s good for us in this moment of time. Sometimes what we ask for is a good thing, but now is not the right time.

God is never late

You see, God, in his omniscience, knows what we need and what we do not and He knows the exact moment in time when that good thing becomes a best thing. He’s never late. Sometimes, what we ask for He knows is not in our best interest and therefore He doesn’t give it to us.

God will supply all our needs

Philippians 4:19 says, “And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” The promise is that He will supply all our needs. Sometimes, He provides extra blessings and gives us our wants too. However, if what you are asking for is a need and aligns with His purpose  for our lives, keep praying.

Ask, Seek…and Knock

What did Jesus mean when he said to “knock”? When we knock on a door, we want to gain entrance. If someone doesn’t answer, we knock again. In the original language the terms ask, seek, and knock are intended to mean a continuous act versus a one-time act: Ask (and keep asking), and it will be given you. Seek (and keep seeking), and you will find. Knock (and keep knocking) and the door will be opened for you. Just as you knock again when the door to a building isn’t opened, we are to keep on knocking. Be persistent. Especially when we know we are asking for something that is within God’s will.

Don’t stop asking one prayer too soon

When we get to heaven, I wonder how many blessings we will have missed out on simply because we stopped praying one prayer too soon. If God doesn’t provide, than know that he has something better in mind. It reminds me of a picture circulating around on Facebook where Jesus is holding out his hand to a little girl asking her to give him her teddy bear. She hangs on to the little bear as tightly as she can, not wanting to give it up, but what she can’t see is the great big, new teddy bear Jesus has behind His back.

God only wants what is absolutely best for us…so trust Him. Ask, seek, knock. Be persistent in prayer. Knock and keep on knocking until He gives you an answer. If the answer is no, then trust Him that he has something better waiting that you can’t see yet.

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