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Fasting and Prayer for Revival

If God has burdened your heart for the state of our nation (or the nation you live in), and you long for a spiritual awakening and revival in our land, we are asking you to join us in a day of prayer and fasting to petition God to send a revival and turn our nation back to Him.

National Day of Prayer and fasting for Revival
Right click and copy this graphic then paste it in your social media and help us call the people of God to pray and fast for America or email julia.bruce@wellspringchristianministries and request a copy of the graphic.

Preparing for July 5th: A Day of Fasting and Prayer for Revival

2 Chronicles 7:14 is our theme verse as we seek Revival in America. This verse says, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heave, forgive their sins and heal their land.” America needs healing!

Over the past few weeks, we have learned that “my people” in this verse are Christians. We are the people of God – the ones called by His name. We then spent a week focusing on humbling ourselves before the Lord. Last week, we focused on seeking the face of God.

This week as we lead up to a day of fasting and prayer on Sunday, July 5, we want to focus on repentance. That is was 2 Chronicles 7:14 means when is says, “turn from their wicked ways.” Repenting is more than just “feeling sorry” for your actions. If you truly repent then you turn around and go the opposite direction.

With the state of our nation and our world today, how bad do things have to get before we are willing to humble ourselves, have a desire to seek God with our whole heart, and turn from our wicked ways?

Joel 2:12-14 – Seeking Revival by Turning from our Wicked Ways

Even now—
this is the Lord’s declaration—
turn to Me with all your heart,
with fasting, weeping, and mourning.
Tear your hearts,
not just your clothes,
and return to the Lord your God.
For He is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger, rich in faithful love,
and He relents from sending disaster.
Who knows? He may turn and relent
and leave a blessing behind Him,

What do we have to do to receive the blessing of revival?

If we – God’s people – ever desire to see a true revival in America, we must follow the instructions in Joel’s prophecy. We must…

  • Return to God with all your heart
  • Remove complacency from our heart
  • Repent from wickedness in our heart
  • Repent on behalf of our nation
  • Declare a Fast
  • Rend our hearts – not our garments
  • Unite as the Body of Christ to pray

Join us this week as we prepared for a day of fasting and prayer for revival for our nation by returning to God with all your heart.

If we want to see revival in America, then God’s people must humble themselves, seek God’s face, and repent.

Will you pray and fast with us and lead your
church to pray for God to send a revival to America?

#revival #America #repentance #prayandfast

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