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Galatians 5:13

Galatians 5 13

Serving someone else requires that we let go of selfishness and we must get rid of our own personal agenda. At times, it requires sacrificing our own desires. However, there is always joy found in serving others. The freedom Paul writes about in this verse is the freedom we have through our salvation. It is freedom from the cost of sin. Freedom to live in the love of Christ, knowing we have been forgiven. However, that freedom came at the price of Christ’s sacrificial death. There is no higher way to serve another person than that. When we, then, serve others, we are loving like Christ. We are being an example of Christ and allowing Christ to extend His love through us to others. However, when we indulge in things that make us happy without regards to anyone else, we selfishly serve ourselves and it prohibits us from having a servant’s heart towards others. When we serve others, Paul teaches that we should “serve humbly in love.” One of the most often referred to scriptures when talking about serving is Jesus washing the disciples feet. When you look at Bible day culture, this was one of the most humbling tasks and usually done by the lowest of servants. With only dirt roads and sandals for shoes, people feet would constantly need washing. Sometimes, when we serve others, it might be that we need to humble ourselves and do a demeaning, dirty task. Serving in love, means we serve without griping, grumbling or complaining, and that we do it with a heart full of love for the person we are serving. Look for three opportunities today that you can serve others: do at least one act of service for your spouse or a family member, a coworker, and a complete stranger. If you take a few moments and pray and ask God to show you where you can serve others today, the opportunities will  present themselves. As you serve, also pray for the person you are serving. Make it a daily habit to serve someone humbly in love.

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