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Answer to yesterday’s Trivia Question

Here’s your answer:

Mar 22 TA

And it came to pass, when all the people had completely crossed over the Jordan, that the Lord spoke to Joshua, saying: “Take for yourselves twelve men from the people, one man from every tribe, and command them, saying, ‘Take for yourselves twelve stones from here, out of the midst of the Jordan, from the place where the priests’ feet stood firm. You shall carry them over with you and leave them in the lodging place where you lodge tonight.’ ”. –Joshua 4:1-3

Trivai ctt

#BibleTrivia  #WCM
 email with trivia logoSubscribe to get the Bible Trivia in your email in box:


Subscribe to get the Bible Trivia in your email in box

spring divider 2

revive renew redeem

news and events

Don’t forget to learn this week’s memory verse:

Memorize and hide in your heart one memory verse each week in 2020. If you didn’t start the challenge at the beginning of the year, just jump in now and be sure to sign up to get our weekly Memory verse in your email so you don’t miss a week.

memory verse logoIn 2020 our emphasis is on revival for America with three key words: revive, renew, and redeem. You will begin to see the elements of our website and posts reflect this emphasis. We hope you’ll join us in praying for God to pour out the Holy Spirit with a mighty rushing wind of revival for our nation and around the world.


Our key verse for revival is 2 Chronicles 7:14. “If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.  For the past few  weeks, we have been focusing on repentance. This week, we look at the spiritual transformation that takes place when we surrender our heart to God.

This week’s memory verse:

Exodus 15:26

“If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.

Meditate and apply:

Will you commit to praying with us in 2020 that God will revive His people, renew our faith, and redeem our land? We feel such an urgency and desperation for revival. If God is moving your heart for revival, write your revival prayer in the comments along with your state or country. 

#Chronovirus #fastandpray #judgement #repentance #revivalin2020 #WCM

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teespring spreadshop logos


This week’s featured design is based on Isaiah 43:19 which says: “I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” and taken from the Christian song entitled “Way Maker.” The memory verse this week focuses on knowing God through experiencing Him – not just knowing about Him.  Have you experienced God as your “way maker”, “miracle worker, promise keeper, or a light in a dark time in your life? If so, proclaim God for who He is in your life.

Available in tees for men, women, mugs, bags, and other products. Here’s a sample of a few of the products you can choose with this design. Check out all the available products in the Spreadshirt  shop.

way maker samples

All proceeds go to the advancement of Wellspring Christian Ministries.

Thank you for helping us grow!

Click here to view the Teespring store. 

Click here to view the Spreadshop Store 

#waymaker #miracleworker #promisekeeper #lightinthedarkness #myGod #whoyouare #spreadshop

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Cover_mBOOKING NOW! Be a host site for the NEW God, Love & Marshmallow Wars Book Tour & Couples Conference:

This event helps couples understand why the daily activities found in the book will equip them to build a stronger marriage and the book provides them with 365 intentional activities to take what they learn at the event and apply it on a daily basis. Through the event, couples will discover the Biblical “why” behind the categories of activities found in the book and the “how” these activities are important to building a stronger marriage. Focus points of the event includes :

  • How memorizing scripture together and studying God’s Word together as they study, meditate and apply scriptures related to marriage and life issues will help them develop marriages that honor God.
  • Why utilizing fun conversation starters that spark meaningful conversations will keep interest alive as they continually learn new things about each other.
  • Why keeping romance alive is essential to intimacy and connectivity.
  • How making memories and working together builds relationship investment bonds and how these investment bonds can become the knots that keeps them together through the tough times.
  • How they can understand what they are or are not contributing to the marriage as well as how they might be contributing to problems or potential problems within the relationship through the use of targeted, intentional personal reflections
  • Why it is important that couples never stop dating and how group dates with Christian friends can be both an encouragement and accountability to their own relationship.

During the event, couples will be given an activity from each focus point to do together, making this event an interactive, fun, and engaging event with practical, hands-on learning. Unlike other couple events that are over when the event ends, couples who attend the GLMW event will be able to apply what they learn when utilizing the book on a daily basis for a year. Since the book is not dated, couples are able to reuse the activities year after year to continue being intentional in strengthening their relationship with each other and with God as they strive to live out God’s design for marriage every day.

Learn more about hosting this event at your church or conference site by clicking here.

About the book: The GLMW book contains 365 daily challenges for couples to strengthen their relationships to each other and with God. Couples will complete activities such as Scripture memory, conversation starters, relationship builders, learning about Biblical marriage, romance builders, personal reflections, and date ideas. Click here to purchase your copy. (This link will open a new widow and take you to Westbow Press’ bookstore.) It is also available at Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble

#GLMW #couplesevent #GLMWbook #intentionalmarriage #Godlymarriage

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Looking for a keynote speaker for your next ministry event? Julia is now booking for 2019 and 2020 Christian events for women’s and couples’ ministries for both small and large events.
Book with us now.

Julia is CEO of Wellspring Christian Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people and couples develop a passionate relationship with God. A public speaker, conference trainer, event planner, and blog writer, Julia is a two-time graduate from Grand Canyon University with a bachelor in Psychology and a masters in Professional Counseling. Saved as a child and raised in church and in a Christian home and private Christian School as a Pastor’s kid, Julia has taught Sunday school, led music, played the piano, served as Children’s Director, and engaged her gifts in many other areas of church life. Previously employed with the Florida Baptist Convention, Julia organized events and led conferences for church ministry assistants. Today, Julia enjoys sharing her journey as a growing Christian with others looking for a deeper connection with God. Through Bible study and her own life experiences, God has given Julia a passion to help couples understand God’s design for marriage while they learn to place God first in their marriage, cultivate meaningful relationships, build intimacy, and address the tougher issues that come in every marriage so that they can experience a marriage that honors and glorifies God. Julia also loves mentoring, teaching, and working with women to help them learn to live as Godly women.

With her history and experience growing up in both small and large churches, Julia enjoys bringing top level quality events to churches of all sizes. Her father largely pastored small churches and therefore she understands that these vital parts of the believing community need to be good stewards of the resources God provides them with. This knowledge inspires her passion for being available with a fresh perspective for those who want to provide their congregations with meaningful spiritual growth opportunities, regardless of size.

Image result for form pngTo request more information or a booking, 
fill out the online form here.

Or call us at 904.524.8073

#JuliaBruce #speaker #keynote #author

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Image result for Christian book distributors logo

Check out these items from Christian Book Distributors.

Our organization receives an 8% commission on any item you purchase through these links. However, the product price is the same for you. There is no increase in your cost for us to receive the commission. All commissions receive support the work and ministry of Wellspring Christian Ministries.
79778EB: Jehovah-Rapha: The God Who Heals: 72 Story-Based Meditations and Prayers - eBook Jehovah-Rapha: The God Who Heals: 72 Story-Based Meditations and Prayers – eBook

By Mary Nelson / Shiloh Run Press

948734: Scripture Confessions for Healing Scripture Confessions for Healing

By Keith & Megan Provance / Harrison House

God has left you many healing promises in His Word and His desire is for you to live in health and enjoy your life! All health challenges, large and small, can be overcome by putting your faith in God’s Word. The book of Proverbs states that life and death are in the power of the tongue. What you talk about, you bring to pass. As you begin to declare these powerful promises of health and healing over your life, faith will build in your heart for divine health to become your reality.

792583: Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God

By Jentezen Franklin / Charisma House

Are you seeking healing? Does a loved one need salvation? Is your faith community searching for direction? Tap into the power of fasting and present your requests to the Lord! Offering simple suggestions, Franklin shows how abstaining from food will leave your spirit uncluttered so you are free to seek God’s will in prayer and humility. 256 pages, hardcover from Charisma.

910212: The Power of a Praying Nation The Power of a Praying Nation

By Stormie Omartian / SAS & Associates

Rather than succumbing to helplessness and fear, Christians everywhere are interceding for their country. Find encouragement for today and hope for the future as Omartian reminds believers what it means to be “a nation whose God is the Lord.” Includes sample prayers for our leaders, military, police, and firefighters; national healing; and more. 128 pages, softcover from Harvest.

767813: Be Resolute (Daniel) Be Resolute (Daniel)

By David C Cook

Will your faith thrive in tough times? Do you desire a more resolute faith? How did Daniel, Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego posses such a fearless faith that they never took the easy way out? Study this extraordinary Old Testament book with Bible teach Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe and learn how to be determined to go God’s direction.Questions for reflection or group discussion are included at the end of each chapter.

453014: Prayer That Sparks National Revival: An Essential Guide for Reclaiming America"s Destiny Prayer That Sparks National Revival: An Essential Guide for Reclaiming America’s Destiny

By Wanda Alger / Destiny Image

28604: A Call to United, Extraordinary Prayer...: for the Revival of Religion and the Advancement of Christ"s A Call to United, Extraordinary Prayer…: for the Revival of Religion and the Advancement of Christ’s

By Jonathan Edwards / Atlas Books

Introduced by David Bryant of Concerts of Prayer International, the American National Prayer Committee and Proclaim Hope.This classic book by Jonathan Edwards was first published under the title ‘An humble attempt to promote explicit agreement and visible union of God’s people in extraordinary prayer for the revival of religion and the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom.’

Jonathan Edwards was the foremost leader of the Great Awakening in North America in the 18th Century.

012719: Asleep in the Land of Nod: 30 Days of Prayer Toward Awakening the Church Asleep in the Land of Nod: 30 Days of Prayer Toward Awakening the Church

By David Butts / Prayershop Publishing

Noting similarities to Cain’s leaving God’s presence to wander in the land of Nod, and the modern U.S. Church that has drifted away from Christ, David Butts, chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee offers hope-filled prayers and encouragement that God once again wants to revive His Bride. Your heart will burn with hunger as you seek after more of Jesus in your own life and the life of your church.

514931: The Genesis of Germs: The Origin of Diseases & the   Coming Plagues The Genesis of Germs: The Origin of Diseases & the Coming Plagues

By Alan L. Gillen / Master Books

AIDS, SARS, and now bird flu—each new deadly disease sends researchers scrambling for a cure. Where did these germs originate? How do they fit into a biblical worldview? Offering a detailed look at historic plagues, Gillen shows how mutating microbes prove devolution rather than evolution; examines the function of bacteria before and after the fall; reflects on modern diseases in light of Christ’s coming; and more. 176 pages, softcover from New Leaf.

488443: Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore

By Thom & Joani Schultz / Group Publishing

Congregations in America are shrinking fast. Is there anything the church can do to turn the tide? Through startling statistics, compelling stories, and an often-overlooked Jesus-based approach, this insightful guide will help you redefine your approach. It all begins by incorporating four acts of love – radical hospitality, fearless conversation, genuine humility, and divine anticipation.

549373: What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality? What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality?

By Kevin DeYoung / Crossway

In this timely book, award-winning author Kevin DeYoung challenges each of us – the skeptic, the seeker, the certain, and the confused – to take a humble look at God’s Word regarding the issue of homosexuality.

After examining key biblical passages in both the Old and New Testaments and the Bible’s overarching teaching regarding sexuality, DeYoung responds to popular objections raised by Christians and non-Christians alike, making this an indispensable resource for thinking through one of the most pressing issues of our day.

Cover_mGod, Love, and Marshmallow Wars: 365 Daily Challenges to Grow Your Marriage

By Julia M. Bruce / WestBow Press
There’s no doubt that marriage is hard work. Yet it can also be one of the most fulfilling relationships you can experience, outside of your relationship with God. However, many marriages leave God outside of the relationship. Godly marriages do not happen without cultivating it, investing in it, and putting God first in your individual lives and in your marriage.
This book includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

• Scripture to memorize and meditate on
• Conversation Starters
• Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages
• Romance Builders
• Relationship Builders
• Personal reflections
• Date ideas
• Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples


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Test Your Bible Smarts

Test your Bible smarts and see how much of the Bible you can remember:

Mar 21 TC

Think you know the answer? Post it in the comments and come back tomorrow to see if you are correct. 

#BibleTrivia  #WCM
 email with trivia logoSubscribe to get the Bible Trivia in your email in box:


Subscribe to get the Bible Trivia in your email in box

spring divider 2

revive renew redeem

news and events

Don’t forget to learn this week’s memory verse:

Memorize and hide in your heart one memory verse each week in 2020. If you didn’t start the challenge at the beginning of the year, just jump in now and be sure to sign up to get our weekly Memory verse in your email so you don’t miss a week.

memory verse logoIn 2020 our emphasis is on revival for America with three key words: revive, renew, and redeem. You will begin to see the elements of our website and posts reflect this emphasis. We hope you’ll join us in praying for God to pour out the Holy Spirit with a mighty rushing wind of revival for our nation and around the world.


Our key verse for revival is 2 Chronicles 7:14. “If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.  For the past few  weeks, we have been focusing on repentance. This week, we look at the spiritual transformation that takes place when we surrender our heart to God.

This week’s memory verse:

Exodus 15:26

“If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.

Meditate and apply:

Will you commit to praying with us in 2020 that God will revive His people, renew our faith, and redeem our land? We feel such an urgency and desperation for revival. If God is moving your heart for revival, write your revival prayer in the comments along with your state or country. 

#Chronovirus #fastandpray #judgement #repentance #revivalin2020 #WCM

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teespring spreadshop logos


This week’s featured design is based on Isaiah 43:19 which says: “I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” and taken from the Christian song entitled “Way Maker.” The memory verse this week focuses on knowing God through experiencing Him – not just knowing about Him.  Have you experienced God as your “way maker”, “miracle worker, promise keeper, or a light in a dark time in your life? If so, proclaim God for who He is in your life.

Available in tees for men, women, mugs, bags, and other products. Here’s a sample of a few of the products you can choose with this design. Check out all the available products in the Spreadshirt  shop.

way maker samples

All proceeds go to the advancement of Wellspring Christian Ministries.

Thank you for helping us grow!

Click here to view the Teespring store. 

Click here to view the Spreadshop Store 

#waymaker #miracleworker #promisekeeper #lightinthedarkness #myGod #whoyouare #spreadshop

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Cover_mBOOKING NOW! Be a host site for the NEW God, Love & Marshmallow Wars Book Tour & Couples Conference:

This event helps couples understand why the daily activities found in the book will equip them to build a stronger marriage and the book provides them with 365 intentional activities to take what they learn at the event and apply it on a daily basis. Through the event, couples will discover the Biblical “why” behind the categories of activities found in the book and the “how” these activities are important to building a stronger marriage. Focus points of the event includes :

  • How memorizing scripture together and studying God’s Word together as they study, meditate and apply scriptures related to marriage and life issues will help them develop marriages that honor God.
  • Why utilizing fun conversation starters that spark meaningful conversations will keep interest alive as they continually learn new things about each other.
  • Why keeping romance alive is essential to intimacy and connectivity.
  • How making memories and working together builds relationship investment bonds and how these investment bonds can become the knots that keeps them together through the tough times.
  • How they can understand what they are or are not contributing to the marriage as well as how they might be contributing to problems or potential problems within the relationship through the use of targeted, intentional personal reflections
  • Why it is important that couples never stop dating and how group dates with Christian friends can be both an encouragement and accountability to their own relationship.

During the event, couples will be given an activity from each focus point to do together, making this event an interactive, fun, and engaging event with practical, hands-on learning. Unlike other couple events that are over when the event ends, couples who attend the GLMW event will be able to apply what they learn when utilizing the book on a daily basis for a year. Since the book is not dated, couples are able to reuse the activities year after year to continue being intentional in strengthening their relationship with each other and with God as they strive to live out God’s design for marriage every day.

Learn more about hosting this event at your church or conference site by clicking here.

About the book: The GLMW book contains 365 daily challenges for couples to strengthen their relationships to each other and with God. Couples will complete activities such as Scripture memory, conversation starters, relationship builders, learning about Biblical marriage, romance builders, personal reflections, and date ideas. Click here to purchase your copy. (This link will open a new widow and take you to Westbow Press’ bookstore.) It is also available at Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble

#GLMW #couplesevent #GLMWbook #intentionalmarriage #Godlymarriage

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Looking for a keynote speaker for your next ministry event? Julia is now booking for 2019 and 2020 Christian events for women’s and couples’ ministries for both small and large events.
Book with us now.

Julia is CEO of Wellspring Christian Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people and couples develop a passionate relationship with God. A public speaker, conference trainer, event planner, and blog writer, Julia is a two-time graduate from Grand Canyon University with a bachelor in Psychology and a masters in Professional Counseling. Saved as a child and raised in church and in a Christian home and private Christian School as a Pastor’s kid, Julia has taught Sunday school, led music, played the piano, served as Children’s Director, and engaged her gifts in many other areas of church life. Previously employed with the Florida Baptist Convention, Julia organized events and led conferences for church ministry assistants. Today, Julia enjoys sharing her journey as a growing Christian with others looking for a deeper connection with God. Through Bible study and her own life experiences, God has given Julia a passion to help couples understand God’s design for marriage while they learn to place God first in their marriage, cultivate meaningful relationships, build intimacy, and address the tougher issues that come in every marriage so that they can experience a marriage that honors and glorifies God. Julia also loves mentoring, teaching, and working with women to help them learn to live as Godly women.

With her history and experience growing up in both small and large churches, Julia enjoys bringing top level quality events to churches of all sizes. Her father largely pastored small churches and therefore she understands that these vital parts of the believing community need to be good stewards of the resources God provides them with. This knowledge inspires her passion for being available with a fresh perspective for those who want to provide their congregations with meaningful spiritual growth opportunities, regardless of size.

Image result for form pngTo request more information or a booking, 
fill out the online form here.

Or call us at 904.524.8073

#JuliaBruce #speaker #keynote #author

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Image result for Christian book distributors logo

Check out these items from Christian Book Distributors.

Our organization receives an 8% commission on any item you purchase through these links. However, the product price is the same for you. There is no increase in your cost for us to receive the commission. All commissions receive support the work and ministry of Wellspring Christian Ministries.
79778EB: Jehovah-Rapha: The God Who Heals: 72 Story-Based Meditations and Prayers - eBook Jehovah-Rapha: The God Who Heals: 72 Story-Based Meditations and Prayers – eBook

By Mary Nelson / Shiloh Run Press

948734: Scripture Confessions for Healing Scripture Confessions for Healing

By Keith & Megan Provance / Harrison House

God has left you many healing promises in His Word and His desire is for you to live in health and enjoy your life! All health challenges, large and small, can be overcome by putting your faith in God’s Word. The book of Proverbs states that life and death are in the power of the tongue. What you talk about, you bring to pass. As you begin to declare these powerful promises of health and healing over your life, faith will build in your heart for divine health to become your reality.

792583: Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God Fasting: Opening the Door to a Deeper, More Intimate, More Powerful Relationship with God

By Jentezen Franklin / Charisma House

Are you seeking healing? Does a loved one need salvation? Is your faith community searching for direction? Tap into the power of fasting and present your requests to the Lord! Offering simple suggestions, Franklin shows how abstaining from food will leave your spirit uncluttered so you are free to seek God’s will in prayer and humility. 256 pages, hardcover from Charisma.

910212: The Power of a Praying Nation The Power of a Praying Nation

By Stormie Omartian / SAS & Associates

Rather than succumbing to helplessness and fear, Christians everywhere are interceding for their country. Find encouragement for today and hope for the future as Omartian reminds believers what it means to be “a nation whose God is the Lord.” Includes sample prayers for our leaders, military, police, and firefighters; national healing; and more. 128 pages, softcover from Harvest.

767813: Be Resolute (Daniel) Be Resolute (Daniel)

By David C Cook

Will your faith thrive in tough times? Do you desire a more resolute faith? How did Daniel, Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego posses such a fearless faith that they never took the easy way out? Study this extraordinary Old Testament book with Bible teach Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe and learn how to be determined to go God’s direction.Questions for reflection or group discussion are included at the end of each chapter.

453014: Prayer That Sparks National Revival: An Essential Guide for Reclaiming America"s Destiny Prayer That Sparks National Revival: An Essential Guide for Reclaiming America’s Destiny

By Wanda Alger / Destiny Image

28604: A Call to United, Extraordinary Prayer...: for the Revival of Religion and the Advancement of Christ"s A Call to United, Extraordinary Prayer…: for the Revival of Religion and the Advancement of Christ’s

By Jonathan Edwards / Atlas Books

Introduced by David Bryant of Concerts of Prayer International, the American National Prayer Committee and Proclaim Hope.This classic book by Jonathan Edwards was first published under the title ‘An humble attempt to promote explicit agreement and visible union of God’s people in extraordinary prayer for the revival of religion and the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom.’

Jonathan Edwards was the foremost leader of the Great Awakening in North America in the 18th Century.

012719: Asleep in the Land of Nod: 30 Days of Prayer Toward Awakening the Church Asleep in the Land of Nod: 30 Days of Prayer Toward Awakening the Church

By David Butts / Prayershop Publishing

Noting similarities to Cain’s leaving God’s presence to wander in the land of Nod, and the modern U.S. Church that has drifted away from Christ, David Butts, chairman of America’s National Prayer Committee offers hope-filled prayers and encouragement that God once again wants to revive His Bride. Your heart will burn with hunger as you seek after more of Jesus in your own life and the life of your church.

514931: The Genesis of Germs: The Origin of Diseases & the   Coming Plagues The Genesis of Germs: The Origin of Diseases & the Coming Plagues

By Alan L. Gillen / Master Books

AIDS, SARS, and now bird flu—each new deadly disease sends researchers scrambling for a cure. Where did these germs originate? How do they fit into a biblical worldview? Offering a detailed look at historic plagues, Gillen shows how mutating microbes prove devolution rather than evolution; examines the function of bacteria before and after the fall; reflects on modern diseases in light of Christ’s coming; and more. 176 pages, softcover from New Leaf.

488443: Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore Why Nobody Wants to Go to Church Anymore

By Thom & Joani Schultz / Group Publishing

Congregations in America are shrinking fast. Is there anything the church can do to turn the tide? Through startling statistics, compelling stories, and an often-overlooked Jesus-based approach, this insightful guide will help you redefine your approach. It all begins by incorporating four acts of love – radical hospitality, fearless conversation, genuine humility, and divine anticipation.

549373: What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality? What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality?

By Kevin DeYoung / Crossway

In this timely book, award-winning author Kevin DeYoung challenges each of us – the skeptic, the seeker, the certain, and the confused – to take a humble look at God’s Word regarding the issue of homosexuality.

After examining key biblical passages in both the Old and New Testaments and the Bible’s overarching teaching regarding sexuality, DeYoung responds to popular objections raised by Christians and non-Christians alike, making this an indispensable resource for thinking through one of the most pressing issues of our day.

Cover_mGod, Love, and Marshmallow Wars: 365 Daily Challenges to Grow Your Marriage

By Julia M. Bruce / WestBow Press
There’s no doubt that marriage is hard work. Yet it can also be one of the most fulfilling relationships you can experience, outside of your relationship with God. However, many marriages leave God outside of the relationship. Godly marriages do not happen without cultivating it, investing in it, and putting God first in your individual lives and in your marriage.
This book includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

• Scripture to memorize and meditate on
• Conversation Starters
• Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages
• Romance Builders
• Relationship Builders
• Personal reflections
• Date ideas
• Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples


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Trivia Answer

Mar 22 TA

spring divider 2


God, Love and Marshmallow Wars: This book contains 365 daily challenges for couples to strengthen their relationships to each other and with God. Couples will complete activities such as Scripture memory, conversation starters, relationship builders, learning about Biblical marriage, romance builders, personal reflections, and date ideas. Click here to purchase your copy. (This link will open a new widow and take you to Westbow Press’ bookstore.) It is also available at Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Nobel



Looking for a speaker for your next ministry event? Julia is booking for 2019 and 2020 events. Book with us now. Click the link and fill out the online form or call us at 904.524.8073.




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Trivia Challenge

Mar 21 TC

spring divider 2


God, Love and Marshmallow Wars: This book contains 365 daily challenges for couples to strengthen their relationships to each other and with God. Couples will complete activities such as Scripture memory, conversation starters, relationship builders, learning about Biblical marriage, romance builders, personal reflections, and date ideas. Click here to purchase your copy. (This link will open a new widow and take you to Westbow Press’ bookstore.) It is also available at Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Nobel



Looking for a speaker for your next ministry event? Julia is booking for 2019 and 2020 events. Book with us now. Click the link and fill out the online form or call us at 904.524.8073.