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Denying Jesus when Life is Hard

One Year Bible Reading Plan and Devotional

Today’s Bible Reading: March 17

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One Year Bible Reading Plan

Deuteronomy 29-30

Mark 16

Denying Jesus when Life is Hard

Isn’t it easy to say with our mouth that we are willing to follow Jesus anywhere and at any cost? Our heart may even mean it at the time we say it. When Peter said, “If I have to die with You, I will not deny You” he probably meant it – with all His heart. But when the time came, Peter denied knowing Him. When the path gets difficult or even leads to the cross, what about then? Would you stand with Jesus or deny Him? Most of us would be just like Peter and guilty of denying Jesus.

Peter caught denying Jesus

Peter, one of Jesus’ followers and disciples, is also the same Peter that Jesus said “Upon this rock, I will build my church.” Yet as Jesus was on trial and his crucifixion was just hours away, Peter was recognized as one of Jesus’ followers three times. Each time, he denies he knows who Jesus is. When life got hard and dangerous, Peter was caught denying Jesus. It’s always easy to confess Jesus as Lord in church or among your Christian friends and family. But what about when life gets hard? For Peter, as soon as the rooster crowed, Jesus looked at Peter and Peter remembered that Jesus had told him he would deny Jesus three times. Peter then weeps in sorrow.

Would you be caught confessing or denying Jesus?

Today, it’s easy to be a follower of Jesus within our church walls, small groups, and among our Christian friends. But what about out in the world? Do your coworkers know that Jesus is Lord of your life? Or do you participate in the office gossip, use curse words, and tell dirty jokes? Does your boss see you as a person of integrity or do you cheat on the time you put in, take company property, and lie to cover up mistakes? If you worked for a company that said you could lose your job because you are a Christian, would you still have a job? If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you? In the witness stand, would you confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior or would you be heard denying Him?

Just as Jesus asked his disciples, “Whom do you say that I am?” so He is asking you today.

God, help me today to walk with integrity, to honor and glorify you in my words and actions. May all I do and say confess you as Lord. Give me courage to follow you wherever you lead me, even if the path is difficult and full of trials. May I reflect your image so that there is no doubt to anyone that I am a child of God. Strengthen me and give me boldness so that I am never caught denying Jesus – the One who sacrificed His life for me.

#ReadYourBible #Deuteronomy #Mark #Peter #denyingJesus #rostercrows

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