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Digging Deeper: Test and Discern

This week we are digging deeper into our memory verse – Romans 12:2

Each day will will focus on just one part of the verse. As we are digging deeper, begin with praying that the Holy Spirit will give you wisdom, to open your ears to hear Him speak to you, and to soften your heart so you can apply what He reveals to you.

The verse says:

Make it personal

Begin by reading the verse again but personalize it as Paul is writing to you:

[YOUR NAME], do not be conformed to this world, but [YOUR NAME] be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Today we digging deeper into what it means to test and discern.


Monday we looked at what it meant to not be conformed to this world. Tuesday, we looked at what transformation means from a Biblical standpoint, the evidence that transformation is occurring, where the power of transformation comes from, when does transformation begin and end, and Paul’s final instructions on how to live a transformed life. Yesterday we looked at what it means to renew our mind and how our minds are renewed. If you missed the previous posts, you’ll find it here:

Digging deeper: Know the terms.

Today, we are going to breakdown what Paul meant when he wrote “that by testing you may discern.” What are we to test and how does testing help us discern? Let’s first look at “testing.”


Personally, for me the word, “test” should fall into the “Four-letter word” category – you know – those words we aren’t supposed to say. I’m not a good test taker. Test anxiety is a real thing and while I have a mild version of it, I’ve seen people who really get hung up over taking tests. But that’s not what’s meant here, so if you get test anxiety, go ahead and relax.

There’s another idea about “testing.” It’s the idea of your kids testing your very last nerve to see what they can get away with. We all, at times, want to test out our boundaries, but that isn’t the idea here either.

Where the English Standard Version (ESV) uses the words, “testing” and “discern,” the King James Bible uses the word “prove.” So when I looked the word up in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, to find the Greek word used, I looked under the word “prove.” The Greek word is dokimazo and means to allow, discern, examine. It is a verb that means we are to scrutinize to see whether something something is genuine or not and only after examination is it approved and deemed worthy. (Thayer’s Greek Lexicon)


The Greek word for “discern,” is diakrisis. It means to separate thoroughly. If we are going to discern the things of God, then our minds must be transformed and renewed. Without the work of the Holy Spirit within us, we would still be discerning according to the world standards. But God want us to be thoroughly separated from the world’s view.

This word gives the idea that we are to discriminate against the world’s way of life and prefer God’s way of life. We are to determine and judge what is good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Tomorrow we will be digging deeper into this last phrase from this verse about God’s will to see just what it is that we are to test and discern or prove about God’s will.

NEW! Now you can download a free printable pdf file for this week’s memory verse which will print four copies on a page that you can cut apart and place in prominent places (such as your bathroom mirror, the visor in your car, at your work station, and on your refrigerator) to help you memorize the verse. Get the download here:

[Download not found]

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.- Romans 12:2 

#memoryverse #notconformed #transformed #renew #Romans12:2 #WCM

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