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Matthew 25:21. Well Done

Feb 8 Matthew 25 21 NKJV

Whenever we have worked hard and done our best, we like for others to take notice of our efforts. Adrian Rogers, former president of the Southern Baptist Convention, tells a story about a man who made his sons work in the cornfields while their peers spent the afternoon at the swimming hole. Someone scolded the father saying, “Why do you make those boys work so hard? You don’t need all that corn,” The wise father replied, “Sir, I’m not raising corn, I’m raising boys.”

As Christians, God gives us tasks to do for Him. He gives us gifts and skills that enable us to carrying His plan for us. Every Christian has an assignment. It isn’t just pastors or worship leaders or missionaries. It’s also children, senior adults, those with health issues, the blind, the deaf. Whoever you are, if you are a child of God, you have an assignment…and it’s more than just warming your favorite seat at church on Sunday.

Whatever the task, we can try to take the easy way or just half do whatever God has called us to do. But that is not the way to hearing Him say, “Well done.” Or we can give it our all, depend on Him and watch what God will do with our efforts. Like the father in Adrian Rogers story, God isn’t just raising Christians. He’s raising eternal beings to live with Him in heaven. In John 14, Jesus said he was going away to prepare a place for us. But while we are still here on earth, God is preparing us for the place that He has prepared for us. In heaven, we are not going all be sitting on fluffy clouds floating around. Revelation 22:3 says “His servants will serve Him.” The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly how we will serve Him, but serving Him will be the highest honor we could imagine. Serving Him here on earth is getting us ready to serve Him for all eternity.

Hearing God say, “Well done!” is the reward for the good and faithful servant who is reliable and loyal. It is the words one hears when their character reflects the character of God. The more we prove ourselves reliable to the task that God has called us to, the greater the responsibility He will give. Every Christian will give an account for how he or she lived their life on earth. Those who consistently lived obedient lives and followed God’s priorities will hear God say, “Well done!” Pleasing our Heavenly Father should be all the praise and reward we need.

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