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Names of God: Jehovah-Shammah

Why are there so many names for God? Why is it important that we know what they are and what they mean? Our finite, human brains cannot fully comprehend the majesty and glory of who God is. Yet through the various names of God, He chooses to reveal Himself to us so we can come to understand the many personal characteristics of God. His names reveal His power, authority, and holiness. The better we understand and know the names of God the more personal He becomes to us and as we pray, we can call on His name that corresponds with our need. Finally, because the Bible instructs us to honor, fear, and respect God and to not use His name in vain, we need to know exactly what His names are and what they mean. Today, we look at the name Jehovah-Shammah.

Today’s Name: Jehovah-Shammah

Names of God: Jehovah Shammah. The Lord Is There

An encounter with Jehovah-Shammah

The prophet Ezekiel encounters Jehovah-Shammah through a vision he is given of the New Jerusalem. The city had fallen and its inhabitants were exiled. Now those exiled inhabitant were sitting by a river, remembering home and regretting their sin that led to where they are now. Through several chapters of the book of Ezekiel, the prophet provides a very detailed picture of his vision and it ends with the statement that it will be called, “The Lord is There.”

How is God Jehovah-Shammah to us today?

Maybe in recent days, in light of things that have happened recently, you’ve looked around and thought, “we’ve lost it!” Or as you switch on the news and hear the headlines and stories, you say to yourself, “Our world is a mess.” At times it feels like we have no hope? We might find ourselves asking, “Where is God in this all this mess?” Just as both Israel and Judah turned away from God, so has America. But the promise that God is There is as much for us today as it was for them. God is there, not just in a future place but here & now. Not in a different country or in a different city or at a different time. But in our present, in our country and in our lives. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us.

Jehovah-Shammah, it can be hard to find you in a world that seems determined to stamp you out of the world you created. Thank you that you never leave us that you are always there working out your perfect will. Thank you that you are the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow and that you always keep your promises. Father, show us who You are as we discover and learn about your many names. Reveal to us why You are worthy of being called the One True, Living God. Teach us to unabashedly love you, respect Your name, and serve only You. Make your character known to us so we can live and walk in your image. Amen.

#namesofGod #JehovahShammah

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4 thoughts on “Names of God: Jehovah-Shammah

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