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Prayers for Revival: Test Me

by Julia Bruce
CEO & Keynote speaker

Why would I ask God to test me?

Most of probably feel like all of 2020 has been a test. In both the Old and New Testaments, the words translated “test” mean “to prove by trial.” It takes a bold heart to sincerely pray for God to test them. But it is through the trials and tests that the genuineness of our faith is seen.

Tested by fire

That doesn’t sound like much fun at all, but when ore is tested to prove it is either gold or silver, the assayer puts a fire under it, pours acid on it, and then determines whether it is genuine. Only the true ore will hold up to the test.

Likewise, God tests us to prove that our faith in Him is genuine. When trials and difficulties come in your life, your faith will be put to the test. Will you trust God or blame God? Will you cast all your cares upon Him trusting that He cares for you or will you turn to caffeine, food, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, pornography, or sex? Will you lean on Him rather than lean on your own understanding? Will you become sweeter or bitter? James said, “knowing that the testing of your faith….” God tests our faith that we might know it is genuine.

Stick around or walk away?

When we are tested, we have two choices – to either stand in faith or turn and walk away. Only true, genuine faith will stand in the trial knowing that God is their strength. Only true faith knows that when they walk through the waters or the fires that God is with them and they will not be overwhelmed or consumed.

False faith will walk away. In John 6:64-66, we find some of the people who were following Jesus did not have genuine faith. In these verses, Jesus said, “there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were who did not believe, and who would betray Him. And He said, “Therefore I have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father.” From that time many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more. We know the the 12 disciples stayed with him, but these other followers went back home and chose to not walk with Jesus anymore.

Where do you go with trials come? Do you run into the arms of Jesus who is strong enough to see you through or do you give up, walk away and become bitter inside?

Testing presses us into great faith

It is through the testing that our faith is made stronger. James says that the testing of our faith develops perseverance, which leads to maturity in our walk with God (James 1:3–4). When we skip down to verse 12, we find that James also says that being tested is a blessing because one we have “stood the test,” we will “receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.” It isn’t passing the test that wins salvation, but that only those who are able to to withstand the trial are the true children of God who walk by faith knowing that testing comes from our heavenly Father who works all things together for good for those who love Him and whoa re called to the children of God (Romans 8:28)


Today’s Revival Prayer

Father, we ask you to test us knowing that the genuineness of our faith will be revealed. Even in the trial keep us close to your heart and our eyes on you so that on the other side of the trial we will have grown even closer to you.

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