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The Greatest Reason to be Thankful

by Julia M. Bruce, MSPC, Mental Health Coach,
Keynote Speaker, CEO, Wellspring Christian Ministries

Thankful every day

Just how thankful are we? — Really! This is the season of Thanksgiving. But is it all about the food, family, and football? Do you actually give thanks on Thanksgiving? Stop for a moment and think about the last time you felt thankful. When was the last time you felt thankful to God? What does God hear from you the most: a long wish list, complaints, or thankfulness? In Romans 1:21, Paul tells us that one can know God, but not honor him or give thanks to him and as a result they became futile in their thinking and foolish in their hearts.

Why is it that out of 365 days in a year we have one day set aside to give thanks? We should be thankful every day. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says we are to give thanks in all circumstances. God does not just bless on Thanksgiving Day, but he pours out his blessings on us every day – so we should be thankful every day – in all circumstances. Psalm 34:1 says “I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”

The Psalmist wrote: “Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! For he satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness.” Perhaps we need to follow Philippians 2:5, which says, “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” It was Christ Who, knowing exactly what lay ahead, gave thanks on the very night in which He was betrayed.

To be truly thankful requires us to recognize that what you have you could not produce yourself – it was a gift. It requires humility and acknowledgment of both the gift and its source.

The Source of our Thankfulness?

The Bible clearly instructs Christians to fix our eyes on the Heavenly Father, the true source of every good thing in our lives. Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Jesus is the source and perfecter of our faith. He is the One who graciously gives us “good things” of all kinds, and our natural response should be thank Him specifically and continually. Psalm 86:12 says, “I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”

Apart from anything that God does, God is simply great in character and power.  Isaiah 6:3 says, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!” God is “holy,” that is, in a higher and different class than us; God is so awesome that it is beyond us to even fathom it. Psalm 145:3 says, “Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.”

The Cause of our Thankfulness

Psalm 92:1-2 says, “It is a good thing to give thanks to the LORD, And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, And your faithfulness every night.” Here we have cause to give God thank because of his lovingkindness and faithfulness. From 1 Corinthians 1:4, we find we can be thankful for the grace given to us in Christ Jesus. 1 Corinthians 15:57 says we have victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The greatest reason we have to be thankful should be the price that Jesus paid for us when he died on a cross in our place so that we could have eternal life. John 3:16 says, “For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Without Jesus dying on the cross for us, redeeming us, and forgiving our sins, we would be hopeless, lost, and bound for hell. But because of his faithful love to us, he endured the cross despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:2).

The Result of our Thankfulness

When we are thankful, our focus moves off selfish desires and off the pain of current circumstances. Expressing thankfulness helps us remember that God is in control. Thankfulness, then, is not only appropriate; it is actually healthy and beneficial to us. It reminds us of the bigger picture, that we belong to God, and that we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3). Truly, we have an abundant life (John 10:10), and gratefulness is fitting.

However, a mere attitude of thankfulness is not enough. When we truly acknowledge all that God has done for us, the result should be an outpouring of thankfulness that leads us to praise him, which leads us to worship him. In Deuteronomy 10:12, Moses said, “what does the Lord your God ask of you except to fear the Lord your God by walking in all His ways, to love Him, and to worship the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul? And in 1 Samuel 12:24, it says, “Above all, fear the Lord and worship Him faithfully with all your heart; consider the great things He has done for you.”

The result of our thankfulness is worship.

This year, as we prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday, remember the greatest reason you have to be thankful is Jesus — the who saved you, redeemed you and forgave you….and allow your thanksgiving to become an act of worship.

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God, Love and Marshmallow Wars by Julia M. Bruce

What’s Inside God, Love and Marshmallow Wars?

God, Love and Marshmallow Wars is a book that includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

  • Scripture to memorize and meditate on.
  • Conversation Starters.
  • Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages.
  • Romance Builders.
  • Relationship Builders.
  • Personal reflections.
  • Date ideas.
  • Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples.

Available in hardback, paperback and ebook from Westbow Press Bookstore, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Click the icons below to purchase from your preferred bookstore. Now also available at WalMart online.

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Man of God

As for me and my house

As Joshua stepped into the shoes of Moses to lead the nation of Israel, he recognized that the nation had a problem. That problem was wanting to be like everyone else. Their problem was clinging to Egypt. Their problem was having other gods before the God. And in Joshua 24:15, Joshua stands before the people and says “And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” He not only led his household to serve the Lord, but as man of God, he called his nation to serve the Lord.

A man of God

Joshua was a man of God, hand-picked by God to lead Israel into the promised land. Why was Joshua chosen? Because he chose to lead himself and his household to serve the Lord. He was a spiritual leader to his family. He recognized the God-given responsibility to lead his home to worship God. Joshua understood that the idols from the other nations were nothing more than stone or wood carvings made by the hands of man. They did not have life or breath. But our God is a living God who desires to have relationship with the people whom He created. He is the God who created the universe with just a few spoken words. He is the God who holds the universe in order. And Joshua acknowledged God as his God. He was a man of God.

A Man of God is different than the world

Being a man (or woman) of God means we are different than the world. We don’t want the same things the world does. Paul wrote to the church in Rome, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)

A Man of God is set apart from the world

As a man or woman of God we have been set apart. Psalm 4:3 says, “But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself.” What are we set apart for? To serve God and glorify Him. We are set apart from the world as God consecrates us, makes us holy, prepares us for His work, sanctifies us, and purifies us.

A Man of God is sanctified

Another word for “set apart” is “sanctified. Synonyms for sanctified are holyconsecrated, and hallowed. Jesus spoke of Himself as being sanctified in John 17:19; in other words, He is holy and “set apart” from sin. His followers are to be similarly set apart from sin and for God’s use (see 1 Peter 1:16). People who are sanctified are born again and therefore part of God’s family (Hebrews 2:11). They are reserved for God’s use. A sanctified, set apart person knows “the sanctifying work of the Spirit” in their lives (1 Peter 1:2). They abstain from sexual immorality (1 Thessalonians 4:3). They understand they have been “called to be his holy people” (1 Corinthians 1:2).

A Man of God bears God’s image – not the world’s image

As a man or woman of God, we are to bear the image of God so that the world will see God in us and be led to Him. We cannot conform to the world and be a man or woman of God. We must allow the Holy Spirit to transform us from our old, sinful, worldly self into a new creation that is holy, righteous, and set apart by God, for God’s perfect will. So as a man or woman of God, we bear His image. We cannot be a man or woman of God if we look like the world.

A Man of God is leaves the former things behind him

Being a man or woman of God means that we leave the former things behind us. All the ways of the world that were a part of us before becoming a child of God should not continue to be part of our life as a child of God. When Israel left Egypt, they had been in Egypt about 430 years. They had become enmeshed with the culture and society of Egypt, including the gods worship by the Egyptians. But God called them out of Egypt, to leave their former ways behind them and to be His chosen people.

Many of us have problems with change, and clearly Israel did too. Despite all the wonders and miracles God did to bring them out of bondage and slavery, they still tried to cling to the life they knew in Egypt. Let’s face it; setting out to a new life and new land where you don’t exactly know where it is can be unsettling. Even though they were slaves, they knew that life. What we know can become comfortable, even if it isn’t what we desire. But God calls us to leave our old way of life behind us and step into His way that brings eternal life.

A Man of God exchanges his idols for the living God

The same was true about their beliefs in God. The God of Abraham had somehow become forgotten and traded for the gods of Egypt and Israel had a hard time letting go of worshiping idols and give their hearts totally to the God. We can become guilty of having idols too. We make idols out of relationships, careers, hobbies, money, possessions, and much more. Whatever becomes more important to us than our relationship with God becomes an idol. So we need to allow the Holy Spirit to convict us of any area in our lives that we have given a higher priority to than God and confess it and then place God back as our highest priority.

A Man of God fears God

Fearing God is a reverential fear. It is a sense of honor and respect. Fearing God includes trusting Him, even in difficult times or when we can’t see God at work in our lives. Obedience and complete submission to God is also required in the person that fear God. The person who fears God is more likely to keep their word, which makes him or her trustworthy to others. And the person who fears God loves God with all of his/her heart, mind, soul, and strength. He/She also, then, loves his neighbor as himself. The Spiritual leader leads his home to know and fear God through family worship and prayer. He models what “fearing God” means and lives it out as an example for his wife and children.

A Man of God serves God faithfully

If you consider yourself a man of God, then how do you serve Him? Are you actively involved in your local church body, faithfully attending and serving God? Are you ensuring that your family is in church and participating in the ministries of the church?

If you are a child of God, then God has a specific plan for you to serve Him. You have been uniquely created with gifts and talents to do exactly what God wants you to do. Do you know how He wants you to serve Him? If not, you need to discover that and get busy faithfully serving God before you expect your family to faithfully serve God.

A Man of God serves God with all of his heart

How do you feel when Sunday rolls around? Is going to church an obligation or do you look forward with eager anticipation to worship God with other believers and go with a heart prepared to heard a word from God? When the church is seeking someone to fill a ministry position, are you eager to volunteer if you feel God leading you to?

If we all did so, then there would be no ministry holes within our churches. God places each one of us within the body for a specific cause. When we do not step into the task God has for us, it creates a hole within the church’s ministry. When we step into roles that are not ours to fill, we rob another person of fulfilling their God-given task. Yet, whenever we serve, we need to remember that God knows the motivation of our heart. Do we serve out of duty? For the recognition? Or for a heart that serves God out of love and worship?

A Man of God serves God considers the great things God has done for him

Whenever we don’t take the time to consider all the wonderful things God does for us, we can begin to forget them. Then when difficult times comes we become focused on the problem rather than all the times God has been faithful to us before. As a spiritual leader in your home, you should openly acknowledge the great things God does in your life and in your family. As you do, you teach your children to recognize God at work. Then be sure to lead your family to thank and praise God for all that He does for you.

A Man of God is a Spiritual Leader in His Home

A man of God is a spiritual leader in his home, just as Joshua was. Joshua didn’t just decide for himself to serve the Lord, he determined that he and his household would serve the Lord. As a spiritual leader and man of God in your home, you should lead by example as you model, fearing God, serving Him faithfully, and considering the great things God has done for you and your family. Then lead them to worship and thank God for all that He does in each of your lives and in your family.

As a spiritual leader, the man of God fears God, serves God faithfully, and considers the great things God has done. He models this lifestyle for his family and leads them to worship and thank God for what He does for them. — Julia Bruce

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Our Newest Download! The Path to Sin Worksheet

Satan is constantly trying to trip us up and he doesn’t even play fair because he uses our own desires as bait to get us to sin. James tells us the five steps that lead us down the path to sin in James 1:14-15, “But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.” This download helps you identify your desires so that you can better recognize when Satan is baiting you and you can avoid falling into sin. When used along with prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to identify the desires that Satan baits you with, you can then ask the Holy Spirit to help you not become a victim to the bait of your desires. Download the worksheet today.

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Download our Free 2021 Bible Memory Verse Plan

We’ve put together 52 memory verses for you to hide God’s Word in your heart! You can download the full document for free and then print a new verse each week and as many copies as you’d like. Each verse prints four times on a page so that you can then cut them into index size cards and place them in prominent places where you will see them frequently throughout the day to help you remember to memorize them. Just because you visited our site, they’re yours for free! Download today.

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Bible Reading Plan Download

Download our Free 2021 Daily Bible Reading Plan

With just 30-40 minutes per day, you can read the entire Bible in one year. The One-Year Bible Reading Plan consists of both Old Testament and New Testament readings for each day of the year. The Bible is God’s personal Word to you. What is He saying to you today? Open your Bible and find out!

One Year Bible Reading Plan

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The Self-Care Wheel provides ideas for practicing self-care in six dimensions of yourself: Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Intellectual, Sensory, and Social. NOTE: You will need 11X14 paper to print the wheel.

Want to know more about self-care? Our Self-Care blog series targets people who serve in any ministry position and takes a Biblical approach to self-care.

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John 3:16

Does Jesus loves you? Just look to the cross. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16.

Choose Joy

Let’s Get Ready for Fall, Ya’ll!

Autumn Vibes
Autumn Vibes-fall leaves
Autumn Vibes with pumpkin
Thankful plaid pum[kin
Fall for Jesus – He never leaves
Happy Pumpkin Spice Season
Hello Fall!
Happy Fall Yall
Cutest ‘lil pumpkin in the patch

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  • Revive Us Again, Lord

See our Canvase prints in the Teespring Store: All Things New

All Things New

We’ve added a new canvas print to the Teespring Store. These prints make great gifts or for decor in your home.

When we ask Jesus to forgive us and save us from our sin, He takes our old, sinful self and makes us new in Him. This beautiful canvas is a great reminder of what Jesus has done for us.

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You can also watch our animated devotionals on the YouTube Channel

God, Love and Marshmallow Wars by Julia M. Bruce

What’s Inside God, Love and Marshmallow Wars?

God, Love and Marshmallow Wars is a book that includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

  • Scripture to memorize and meditate on.
  • Conversation Starters.
  • Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages.
  • Romance Builders.
  • Relationship Builders.
  • Personal reflections.
  • Date ideas.
  • Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples.

Available in hardback, paperback and ebook from Westbow Press Bookstore, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Click the icons below to purchase from your preferred bookstore. Now also available at WalMart online.

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A Man of God

As for me and my house

As Joshua stepped into the shoes of Moses to lead the nation of Israel, he recognized that the nation had a problem. That problem was wanting to be like everyone else. Their problem was clinging to Egypt. Their problem was having other gods before the God. And in Joshua 24:15, Joshua stands before the people and says “And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” He not only led his household to serve the Lord, but as a man of God, he called his nation to serve the Lord.

A man of God

Joshua was a man of God, hand-picked by God to lead Israel into the promised land. Why was Joshua chosen? Because he chose to lead himself and his household to serve the Lord. He was a spiritual leader to him family. He recognized the God-given responsibility to lead his home to worship God. Joshua understand that the idols from the other nations were nothing more than stone or wood carvings made by the hands of man. They did not have life or breath. But our God is a living God who desires to have relationship with the people whom He created. He is the God who created the universe with just a few spoken words. He is the God who holds the universe in order.

A Man of God is different than the world

Being a man (or woman) of God means we are different than the world. We don’t want the same things the world does. Paul wrote to the church in Rome, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2) As a man or woman of God we have been set apart. Psalm 4:3 says, “But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself.”

A Man of God is leaves the former things behind him

Being a man or woman of God means that we leave the former things behind us. All the ways of the world that were a part of us before becoming a child of God should not continue to be part of our life as a child of God. When Israel left Egypt, they had been in Egypt about 430 years. They had become enmeshed with the culture and society of Egypt, including the gods worship by the Egyptians.

Many of us have problems with change, and clearly Israel did too. Despite all the wonders and miracles God did to bring them out of bondage and slavery, they still tried to cling to the life they knew in Egypt. Let’s face it; setting out to a new life and new land where you don’t exactly know where it is can be unsettling. Even though they were slaves, they knew that life. What we know can become comfortable, even if it isn’t what we desire.

Paul wrote in Philippians 3:13-14, “forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” In Ephesians 4:22, Paul says, “put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life.” Why do we leave the former things behind? Paul gives us the answer in 2 Corinthians 5:17, ” Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

A Man of God exchanges his idols for the living God

The same was true about their beliefs in God. The God of Abraham had somehow become forgotten and traded for the gods of Egypt and Israel had a hard time letting go of worshiping idols and give their hearts totally to the God. We can become guilty of having idols too. We make idols out of relationships, careers, hobbies, money, possessions, and much more. Whatever becomes more important to us than our relationship with God becomes an idol. So we need to allow the Holy Spirit to convict us of any area in our lives that we have given a higher priority to than God and confess it and then place God back as our highest priority.

A Man of God fears God

Fearing God is a reverential fear. It is a sense of honor and respect. Fearing God includes trusting Him, even in difficult times or when we can’t see God at work in our lives. Obedience and complete submission to God is also required in the person that fear God. The person who fears God is more likely to keep their word, which makes him or her trustworthy to others. And the person who fears God loves God with all of his/her heart, mind, soul, and strength. He/She also, then, loves his neighbor as himself. The Spiritual leader leads his home to know and fear God through family worship and prayer. He models what “fearing God” means and lives it out as an example for his wife and children.

A Man of God serves God faithfully

If you consider yourself a man of God, then how do you serve Him? Are you actively involved in your local church body, faithfully attending and serving God? Are you ensuring that your family is in church and participating in the ministries of the church?

If you are a child of God, then God has a specific plan for you to serve Him. You have been uniquely created with gifts and talents to do exactly what God wants you to do. Do you know how He wants you to serve Him? If not, you need to discover that and get busy faithfully serving God before you expect your family to faithfully serve God.

A Man of God serves God with all of his heart

How do you feel when Sunday rolls around? Is going to church an obligation or do you look forward with eager anticipation to worship God with other believers and go with a heart prepared to heard a word from God? When the church is seeking someone to fill a ministry position, are you eager to volunteer if you feel God leading you to?

If we all did so, then there would be no ministry holes within our churches. God places each one of us within the body for a specific cause. When we do not step into the task God has for us, it creates a hole within the church’s ministry. When we step into roles that are not ours to fill, we rob another person of fulfilling their God-given task. Yet, whenever we serve, we need to remember that God knows the motivation of our heart. Do we serve out of duty? For the recognition? Or for a heart that serves God out of love and worship?

A Man of God serves God considers the great things God has done for him

Whenever we don’t take the time to consider all the wonderful things God does for us, we can begin to forget them. Then when difficult times comes we become focused on the problem rather than all the times God has been faithful to us before. As a spiritual leader in your home, you should openly acknowledge the great things God does in your life and in your family. As you do, you teach your children to recognize God at work. Then be sure to lead your family to thank and praise God for all that He does for you.

Following Joshua’s example

A man of God is a spiritual leader in his home, just as Joshua was. Joshua didn’t just decide for himself to serve the Lord, he determined that he and his household would serve the Lord. As a spiritual leader and man of God in your home, you should lead by example as you model, fearing God, serving Him faithfully, and considering the great things God has done for you and your family. Then lead them to worship and thank God for all that He does in each of your lives and in your family.

As a spiritual leader, the man of God fears God, serves God faithfully, and considers the great things God has done. He models this lifestyle for his family and leads them to worship and thank God for what He does for them. — Julia Bruce

click here to listen to our daily devotions on Spotify and be sure to follow us.

Do you have an event on the calendar and need a speaker?

We’re offering 15% off our speaker fees if you book by July 31, 2021. Call today and use the discount code: SUMMER2021.

We’re excited to be a part of your ministry and can’t wait to see you – no matter what size your event.


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Now you can enhance your Bible Reading with the Verse Mapping Template

Our Verse Mapping download is FREE and includes 6 pages: 3 pages of instructions for using the template and the 2 page template, plus the cover page. If you’re looking to go deeper into God’s Word, learn more about God and develop a stronger spiritual life, Verse Mapping will help you dig into the scriptures. As you apply God’s Word to your life, you will develop a more intimate knowledge and relationship with God.

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Download our Free 2021 Bible Memory Verse Plan

We’ve put together 52 memory verses for you to hide God’s Word in your heart! You can download the full document for free and then print a new verse each week and as many copies as you’d like. Each verse prints four times on a page so that you can then cut them into index size cards and place them in prominent places where you will see them frequently throughout the day to help you remember to memorize them. Just because you visited our site, they’re yours for free! Download today.

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God, Love and Marshmallow Wars by Julia M. Bruce

What’s Inside God, Love and Marshmallow Wars?

God, Love and Marshmallow Wars is a book that includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

  • Scripture to memorize and meditate on.
  • Conversation Starters.
  • Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages.
  • Romance Builders.
  • Relationship Builders.
  • Personal reflections.
  • Date ideas.
  • Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples.

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1 Corinthians 11:3. Who’s in charge?

Today’s Verse: 1 Corinthians 11:3

Who’s in charge?

by Julie Bruce

Abbott and Costello

If someone were observing your family, would they be left asking “who’s in charge ?” In 1938 Abbott and Costello performed on a radio show a comedy skit entitled, “Who’s on First?” Most of us have seen or at least heard the skit and chuckled along with it. However, in our homes, it isn’t quite so funny when we don’t know our roles and where we belong within the family unit. God ordained order within the home to ensure healthy functioning of the family unit. But when we don’t follow God’s plan for the family, both outsiders and members of the family are left wondering who’s in charge.

kid in charge

When the kids are in charge

We’ve all seen those homes where the kids rule the nest. They are loud, defiant, rude, stubborn and disobedient. They talk back, stick their tongue out, cross their arms and dig in their heels and refuse to budge. The parents have no control whatsoever.

When Momma’s in charge

husband wont lead

Then there are homes where mom is in control. Dad works all day then comes home to pick up the paper or watch television or play a video game leaving mom to deal with the kids, clean the house, cook, do the laundry and whatever else might be going on. She makes all the major decisions for the family and dad just goes along with the plan. The kids might be more in line (sometimes), but it still is not a home that honors and glorifies God.

Daddy’s in charge- but he’s controlling

Another type of home finds the husband in control, but the wrong kind of control. He’s the one the wife and kids are scared of. He rules with an iron fist and you go along with his way or pay the consequences. He’s controlling, manipulating, abusive physically, emotionally, verbally, and maybe even sexually or financially.

Daddy’s in charge- He’s good, but not God honoring

However, not every husband who takes the lead role in his family is abusive. He may be morally good and protective of his family. He provides for them and helps parent the children. He’s a good husband and father. Yet even this home is not honoring God.

Who then should be in charge in the home? I’m glad you asked. 1 Corinthians 11:3 has the answer. Paul writes to the church at Corinth these words:

“I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.”

The key: Everyone submits to someone

The principle behind Paul’s words is submission. Everyone submits to someone, except God. God ordained submission so that the homes would run smoothly. Otherwise, we’d have nothing but chaos, anger, bitterness, competiveness, and arguing. If you notice the chain in Paul’s writing, the woman seems to be at the bottom of the chain of command so let me say that submission is NOT surrender, withdrawal, or apathy. It does not mean that we girls are inferior.

When God created men and women, he made us in his image and that makes males and females on equal ground. One is not better than the other. Both have equal value in God’s eyes. Instead, submission is more about a mutual commitment and cooperation. There is no need for women to compete with men or men to compete with women. God expects men and women to submit as equals. We submit by choice as we willingly serve God in the roles he designed for us. However, for a home to function, someone has to be in charge and when the man does not fulfill his God-given responsibility, many times wives must step in and serve her role and his. So then, what is the husband’s role?

The Man who is in charge and honors God

spiritual leader

Husbands who are spiritual leaders lead through sacrificial love

Husbands are to lead their families through sacrificial love. Ephesians 5:33 says that husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church. How did Christ demonstrate His love? He gave his life. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.(Romans 5:8) Even when we were still covered in sin, at our absolute worst, vile, repulsive, Christ loved us enough to die for us. (Ladies, you should not love your husbands any less…just saying!) If you are to love your wives as Christ loved the church, then you need to make sure you have experienced that love for yourself. You can’t give away what you have not yet received.

Husbands who are spiritual leaders lead their families to Christ

Husbands should also lead their families to Christ. Guys, you have the responsibility to be a spiritual leader in your home. After all, God’s purpose for marriage is to make us more like Christ. Christ often referred to the Church as is bride. So as Christians, our marriage should be a picture of Christ and the Church. As such, the head of the husband is Christ and he should be your #1 priority. Your 2nd priority should be your wife and your marriage. Your third priority should be your children. Then your job and providing for your family.  

Husbands who are spiritual leaders have an intimate, thriving relationship with Christ

There is no way you can lead you family the way God has called you to if you do not have an intimate, thriving, growing relationship with Christ. Do a self-examination right now. Where are your priorities? What do you give them most time and attention to? What do you nurture, develop, and look forward to everyday? If your priorities are out of order, what do you need to do to get them where they belong? What commitments do you need to make? Do you have any idols that you need to get rid of? You can’t lead your family to Christ if you’re still trying to get there yourself.

The home that operates as God designed it

Take a moment to imagine what a home would look like if it operated in the way God designed it. How does that look different than what your family looks like now? What changes need to happen? What would it take for your wife to trust you enough that she could willingly step back and trust you to lead your family?

Here is what she needs:

  • Your wife needs to know that you are daily seeking wisdom from God in every decision you make.
  • She needs to know that you are opening discussing decision with her, listening to her input and genuinely considering her opinions.
  • She needs to know that the decisions you make are for the good of the family and not for your own good.
  • Your wife needs to know that she can rely on you, depend on you and that you would not do anything that would knowingly bring harm to the family.
  • She needs to know that God is the first priority in your life and she is second.
  • She needs to know that you are loyal and committed to her.

But gals…you are not off the hook either. In order for men to stand up and lead they need something from us:

  • Your guy needs to know that your first priority is Christ and he is your second.
  • He needs to know you trust him in the decisions he makes
  • Your husband needs your encouragement
  • He needs you to pray for him
  • If he does make a mistake, remember he’s human and we all make mistakes. Don’t bring him down or wag your finger with all the “I told you so” comments. Instead, hug him and tell him you love him then dig in and fix it together.
  • He needs your support
  • He needs your respect

Take some time ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the ways you are living outside your God-given roles. Ladies, do you need to willingly and cooperatively submit as an equal to your husband? Men, do you need to submit to Christ? What can you do right now that will help you submit to who’s in charge?

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What’s Inside God, Love and Marshmallow Wars?

This book includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

Couple activities include:
  • Scripture to memorize and meditate on.
  • Conversation Starters.
  • Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages.
  • Romance Builders.
  • Relationship Builders.
  • Personal reflections.
  • Date ideas.
  • Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples.

Available in hardback, paperback and ebook from Westbow Press Bookstore, Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Nobel. Click the icons below to purchase from your preferred bookstore. Now also available at WalMart online.

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Look for the GLMW Group on Facebook.

Join the community of couples on Facebook who are committed to intentionally growing their marriage and learning how to have a marriage that honors God. Here you can post photos of the different activities as you do them, ask questions of other couples, share how God is using this book to strengthen your marriage, and grow with other Christian couples. We’ll see you in the community.

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A non-profit ministry located in Jacksonville, FL 
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1 Samuel 12:24. Man of God

Today’s Verse: 1 Samuel 12:24

As for me and my house

As Joshua began stepped into the shoes of Moses to lead the nation of Israel, he recognized that the nation had a problem. That problem was wanting to be like everyone else. Their problem was clinging to Egypt. Their problem was having other gods before the God. And in Joshua 24:15, Joshua stands before the people and says “And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” He not only led his household to serve the Lord, but as man of God, he called his nation to serve the Lord.

A man of God

Joshua was a man of God, hand-picked by God to lead Israel into the promised land. Why was Joshua chosen? Because he chose to lead himself and his household to serve the Lord. He was a spiritual leader to him family. He recognized the God-given responsibility to lead his home to worship God. Joshua understand that the idols from the other nations were nothing more than stone or wood carvings made by the hands of man. They did not have life or breath. But our God is a living God who desires to have relationship with the people whom He created. He is the God who created the universe with just a few spoken words. He is the God who holds the universe in order.

A Man of God is different than the world

Being a man (or woman) of God means we are different than the world. We don’t want the same things the world does. Paul wrote to the church in Rome, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2) As a man or woman of God we have been set apart. Psalm 4:3 says, “But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself.”

A Man of God is leaves the former things behind him

Being a man or woman of God means that we leave the former things behind us. All the ways of the world that were a part of us before becoming a child of God should not continue to be part of our life as a child of God. When Israel left Egypt, they had been in Egypt about 430 years. They had become enmeshed with the culture and society of Egypt, including the gods worship by the Egyptians. Many of us have problems with change, and clearly Israel did too. Despite all the wonders and miracles God did to bring them out of bondage and slavery, they still tried to cling to the life they knew in Egypt. Let’s face it; setting out to a new life and new land where you don’t exactly know where it is can be unsettling. Even though they were slaves, they knew that life. What we know can become comfortable, even if it isn’t what we desire.

A Man of God exchanges his idols for the living God

The same was true about their beliefs in God. The God of Abraham had somehow become forgotten and traded for the gods of Egypt and Israel had a hard time letting go of worshiping idols and give their hearts totally to the God. We can become guilty of having idols too. We make idols out of relationships, careers, hobbies, money, possessions, and much more. Whatever becomes more important to us than our relationship with God becomes an idol. So we need to allow the Holy Spirit to convict us of any area in our lives that we have given a higher priority to than God and confess it and then place God back as our highest priority.

A Man of God fears God

Fearing God is a reverential fear. It is a sense of honor and respect. Fearing God includes trusting Him, even in difficult times or when we can’t see God at work in our lives. Obedience and complete submission to God is also required in the person that fear God. The person who fears God is more likely to keep their word, which makes him or her trustworthy to others. And the person who fears God loves God with all of his/her heart, mind, soul, and strength. He/She also, then, loves his neighbor as himself. The Spiritual leader leads his home to know and fear God through family worship and prayer. He models what “fearing God” means and lives it out as an example for his wife and children.

A Man of God serves God faithfully

If you consider yourself a man of God, then how do you serve Him? Are you actively involved in your local church body, faithfully attending and serving God? Are you ensuring that your family is in church and participating in the ministries of the church?

If you are a child of God, then God has a specific plan for you to serve Him. You have been uniquely created with gifts and talents to do exactly what God wants you to do. Do you know how He wants you to serve Him? If not, you need to discover that and get busy faithfully serving God before you expect your family to faithfully serve God.

A Man of God serves God with all of his heart

How do you feel when Sunday rolls around? Is going to church an obligation or do you look forward with eager anticipation to worship God with other believers and go with a heart prepared to heard a word from God? When the church is seeking someone to fill a ministry position, are you eager to volunteer if you feel God leading you to?

If we all did so, then there would be no ministry holes within our churches. God places each one of us within the body for a specific cause. When we do not step into the task God has for us, it creates a hole within the church’s ministry. When we step into roles that are not ours to fill, we rob another person of fulfilling their God-given task. Yet, whenever we serve, we need to remember that God knows the motivation of our heart. Do we serve out of duty? For the recognition? Or for a heart that serves God out of love and worship?

A Man of God serves God considers the great things God has done for him

Whenever we don’t take the time to consider all the wonderful things God does for us, we can begin to forget them. Then when difficult times comes we become focused on the problem rather than all the times God has been faithful to us before. As a spiritual leader in your home, you should openly acknowledge the great things God does in your life and in your family. As you do, you teach your children to recognize God at work. Then be sure to lead your family to thank and praise God for all that He does for you.

Following Joshua’s example

A man of God is a spiritual leader in his home, just as Joshua was. Joshua didn’t just decide for himself to serve the Lord, he determined that he and his household would serve the Lord. As a spiritual leader and man of God in your home, you should lead by example as you model, fearing God, serving Him faithfully, and considering the great things God has done for you and your family. Then lead them to worship and thank God for all that He does in each of your lives and in your family.

As a spiritual leader, the man of God fears God, serves God faithfully, and considers the great things God has done. He models this lifestyle for his family and leads them to worship and thank God for what He does for them. — Julia Bruce

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What’s Inside God, Love and Marshmallow Wars?

This book includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

Couple activities include:
  • Scripture to memorize and meditate on.
  • Conversation Starters.
  • Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages.
  • Romance Builders.
  • Relationship Builders.
  • Personal reflections.
  • Date ideas.
  • Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples.

Available in hardback, paperback and ebook from Westbow Press Bookstore, Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Nobel. Click the icons below to purchase from your preferred bookstore. Now also available at WalMart online.

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Look for the GLMW Group on Facebook.

Join the community of couples on Facebook who are committed to intentionally growing their marriage and learning how to have a marriage that honors God. Here you can post photos of the different activities as you do them, ask questions of other couples, share how God is using this book to strengthen your marriage, and grow with other Christian couples. We’ll see you in the community.

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A non-profit ministry located in Jacksonville, FL 
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