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Couple Challenge: Memorize & Discuss


This verse was a prayer that Hezekiah was praying when the Bible says that he was “sick unto death” and Isaiah came to him with a message from God. The message was that Hezekiah needed to set his house in order because he was going to die. Hezekiah than cried out to God and prayed the prayer we read in 2 Kings 20:3. No matter what you face in life, in times of trouble can you cry out the same prayer? For Hezekiah, the result of his prayer is that God heard him, healed him, and added another 15 years to his life. Together, answer the following questions:

  • How are you walking before God?
  • Are you walking faithfully?
  • Are you walking wholeheartedly?
  • Do you do what pleases God?
  • What do you need to do differently so that you can honestly pray this prayer?