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Couple Challenge: Date Day


Walls…. they are meant to protect. The walls of our home protect us from the elements of nature. Walls around cities protect the inhabitants from outside enemies. But when we put up walls around our heart, for whatever reason, it can tear apart relationships. We put up emotional walls when we’ve been hurt or disappointed as a means to protect us from being hurt again in the same way. These kinds of walls close out people and come between marriage partners. Instead, we need to have healthy communication and dialogue so that we can say, “Honey, it hurts me when…” Then you open the door for repentance and forgiveness.

The Bible teaches us three ways we can conquer the walls we’ve built with in our marriage. First, don’t let the sun go down on your wrath (Eph. 4:26-27). Be quick to talk things through and don’t let them fester. Second, forgive and forget (Jer 31:34). In other words, don’t keep bringing it back up time and time again. Forgive and let it go. Third, keep loving each other earnestly (1 Peter 4:8) and be imitators of Christ (Eph 5:1). After you conquer climbing the rock wall, have lunch together and share with each other one thing that has been hurtful and seek forgiveness…then work to avoid that hurt again.


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Couple Challenge: Date Day


Psalm 133:1 says, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!” Paddling a canoe takes working together in harmony! You might have to work on it for a bit to get it steering the right way, but have fun! Bring a picnic lunch and stop along the way. Over lunch, talk about what it was like trying to steer the canoe at first, before you got the hang of it.

If we are not living in harmony, then our marriage acts much the same way the canoe did until you were working together to get it going the right way. What are areas in your marriage that are like the canoe before you got it going the way it should and how can working in harmony improve those areas?

Don’t forget your camera (but pack it up water-tight). Take some pictures of God’s beautiful scenery. Choose your favorite and have it printed as a canvass to hang in your home. This is also fun with other couples, so invite some friends along.

Be sure to check out our fundraising event. We have six t-shirts that will help you express your faith in a fun way.

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Couple Challenge: Date Day


Order pizza and watch these three movies back to back:

Facing the Giants, Fireproof, and Courageous (all produced by Kendrick Brothers Productions). Discuss how you can apply the principles from these films to your marriage and family.


  • Facing the Giants. Directed by Alex Kendrick. Albany, GA: Sherwood Pictures & Destination Films, 2006.
  • Fireproof. Directed by Alex Kendrick. Albany, GA: Sherwood Pictures, 2008.
  • Courageous. Directed by Alex Kendrick. Albany, GA: Sherwood Pictures, 2011.
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Couple Challenge: Date Day


Games teach us the value of teamwork, build skills, engage the mind, and bring out the competitive side of us. They can build fondness for each other as you laugh and compete. They can build admiration as your spouse demonstrates their skills and strategies. They can also help you build problem solving skills. Who knew you were building all that in your marriage by having fun playing games together?

If you don’t have a game system, choose a board game or card game, or any type of game. The prize you set should be something fun, intimate, or creative. Stay away from prizes that one would not want, such as chores. — Oh…and be sure to rejoice whether you win or lose.


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Couple Challenge: Date Day


There is so much we can learn from those that came before us. Learning how people lived in the past, what their culture was like, what difficulties they faced, and knowing who the “movers and shakers” were can be fascinating as you watch history unfold. Open up your imagination and try to see what the area looked like in years past and how the people lived. With a little preplanning and online research, you can see if the location has any tours of old homes, forts, etc. and how much they may cost. Take the tours as you can afford them and see what other sights might be there. Visit as many as you can and have lunch together while you are there.