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Couple Challenge: Conversation Starter


First, spend some time in prayer and determine what God’s will is for your life. Once you have an idea of a vision begin to make a vision board. It’s ok if it changes and develops through time. Start by doing a little research online on how to create a vision board. Create the board in a way that you can keep it as a visual reminder of your goals and plans. You’ll also want to create it in such a way that you can change it as you go through life. One suggestion would be to purchase a poster size piece of foam board and carefully cover one side with contact paper. Use dry erase markers, magazine pictures or printed pictures from the internet to visualize your dream. For example, if you have a dream to visit another country cut out a picture of the country and put it on your vision board. Once you’ve gone, you can remove it and add a new place to visit. Add Bible verses to each part of your vision plan that would support your vision. Hang your vision board in an office or study or maybe on the back of your bedroom door so that you can see it and stay on track.