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Dreams, Desires, & Hopes

Dreams desires and hopes

This book available for purchase at Christian Book Distributors.

720610: You"re Made for a God-Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You

By Holley Gerth / Revell

Do you have a dream inside you waiting to become a reality? Maybe it’s starting your own business, writing a novel, or getting your degree. No one can tell you what your dream is except God. He places the desire and gifts within you to achieve it, but many times it’s hard to move that dream to a reality.In You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream, author and life-coach Holley Gerth gives women the encouragement they need to overcome the excuses and obstacles in their lives that keep them from achieving their dreams. Discover how you can live with more passion and joy as you fulfill the unique life purpose God has given you.

Noteworthy: This author is one of a special group of women who writes for (in)courage, the popular online friendship community. Every day they take turns pulling up a chair to share their stories of what Jesus looks like in their every day, gloriously ordinary, and often messy lives.

If you read the (in)courage blog online, then you’ll be sure to enjoy this title.

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