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Psalm 71:5

Psalm 71 5

We all hope for different things. Here in Florida, we can hope we will see at least a few days of fall weather or we can hope for the Jaguars to actually win a game. As parents, we hope our children will do well in school and that our adult children will be successful in their careers. When we are waiting on test results, we can hope the doctor’s news will be good news. Young adult women might hope their boyfriend will propose to them or that some boy they have their eye on will ask them out. We can hope to have a life of joy, contentment and peace. We can hope to reach retirement with enough money that we can rest from our labor and enjoy life. We can hope that our dreams will be fulfilled. But our greatest hope is found in Christ, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27) which is the fulfillment of God’s promise to restore us. It is not a hope that is “wishful thinking” but a confident hope that is expectant, joyful as God works in us and through, molding and shaping us to be more like Christ and then one day we will see Christ face to face. As a Christian, our hope is in the redeeming power of God, His love, and the joy and peace that he brings as we place our hope and trust in Him.

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1 Timothy 4:12

1 Timothy 4 12

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Psalm 103:1-5

Psalm 103 1-5