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Make His Praise Glorious

Praise God at all Times

It’s easy to praise God when we see Him doing great things in our lives. It’s easy to praise Him when life is going well. But what about the times that are difficult or sad or those moments when God seems slow to answer prayer or when we wonder if God has forgotten us (which He hasn’t). How much different would our lives and our world be if we praised God at all times? If we look hard enough, we can always find something to praise God for – even if our praise is a statement of faith for God’s goodness and faithfulness in our lives, no matter what we are going through.

In Psalm 34:1, the psalmist wrote: “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, we learn that we are to “Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” And in Psalm 150:6, the psalmist wrote: “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” So if you are still breathing, you need to be praising the Lord.  (Click to tweet)

What does it mean to Praise God?

Praising God simply means that we are showing Him our admiration and that we are exalting Him. It’s taking the time to celebrate God and boast about who He is: His greatness and the ways He has worked in our lives. There is always something we can praise Him for and if we can’t find something in a particular moment, then we can praise Him for what He’s done in our lives in the past and for his faithfulness, mercy, and love.  (Click to tweet) We can praise Him because He never changes and He always keeps His promises. We can praise Him for forgiveness of sin. And we can praise Him that He will never leave or forsake us. Whatever attribute of God that comes to mind – praise Him for it.

Praise Can’t Occupy the same space as negative emotions

Even when we are feeling depressed, hurt, betrayed, worried, or ill, we can still praise God. In fact, if we spend more time praising God in the bad moments rather than grumbling and complaining, it becomes very difficult to stay in those negative moods and mindsets. It’s almost as if praising God and depression (or other negative emotions) can’t occupy the same time and space. The reason is when we are praising God our focus is on Him (where it should be), rather than on our circumstances  (Click to tweet)   and as we recall how God has been faithful to us in the past, it gives us assurance that He will do so again. So when the negative emotions threaten to take over, start writing a list of everything you can think of to praise God for and then start praising Him.

Ways to praise God

If God expects us to praise Him in all things, then what are some ways that we can praise Him? We praise God in many different ways. Some will belt out their praise before God in voices loud and strong. Others do so within the quietness of their hearts. We praise God as we sing worship songs that magnify Him. As we go through our day-to-day lives, we should be offering praise to God, whether it’s at home, work, church, school, grocery store, bank, or dentist’s office.

In the Bible, we can learn that praise was offered to God in several ways:

Praise through the use of musical instruments and singing.

Psalm 150:3-5 says, “Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.” And in Psalm 98:4-6 the psalmist writes: “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth, burst into jubilant song with music; make music to the Lord with the harp, with the harp and the sound of singing, with trumpets and the blast of the ram’s horn – shout for joy before the Loke, the King.”

Praise with clapping of hands and shouts of joy.

“Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth!” (Psalm 47:1-2)

Praise in an assembly of believers.

“The whole assembly bowed in worship, while the singers sang and the trumpeters played.” (2 Chronicles 29:28)

Psalm 22:22, “I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you.”

Praise when we are alone.

Psalm 71:8 “My mouth is filled with your praise, and with your glory all the day.”

Psalm 34:1 I will praise the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.

We can praise God in any position we are in.

In Acts 2:1-2, they were sitting. In Psalms 95:6, we see an invitation to kneel before the Lord our Maker. And in Exodus 33:10, the people stood and worshiped. In 1 Kings 18:39, the people “fell prostrate” (they laid down). In Nehemiah 8:6, they lifted their hands and bowed down with their faces to the ground. And in 2 Chronicles 29:30, they sang praises with gladness and bowed their heads and worship. In Psalm 63:4, the psalmist declared that he would lift up his hands to praise God for as long as he lived. And in Psalm 149:3, they were dancing and making music as a form of praise.

We can praise Him with our words.

“Therefore by Him let us continually offer sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name.” (Hebrews 13:15) We also praise Him with our words as we tell others about the great things God has done for us.

In Heaven, there is continual praise offered to God

In Revelation 19: 5-7 we see that there is continual praise being offered to God.

“And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.”

There really isn’t a right or wrong way to praise God. What matters is that your praise be pure, heartfelt, genuine, and sincere. Going through the motions at church because everyone else is doing the same thing, is not praise – it’s just being a copy-cat – and God knows the motives of our heart. (Click to tweet) Don’t worry about what others are doing. Praise God in your own way for what He has personally done in your life and how your have experienced Him.

If you need something to get you started praising, read the lyrics to Eddie James’ song, “You Are Worthy.” You can also hear the song performed by the Prestonwood Choir on YouTube at the link below the lyrics.

You are Worthy

You are worthy, You are worthy, You are, yes!
Only You are worthy, You are worthy to be praised.

Holy, Righteous, Rock of Ages
Most High, yes! Only you are worthy.

Faithful teacher, Promise keeper
Savior, yes! Only You are worthy.

Shepherd, Father, My strong tower.
Comfort, yes! Only You are worthy.
You are worthy to be praised.

From the rising of the sun
Until the going down of the same
You are worthy, You are worthy.
You are, yes! Only You are worthy

I will lift my voice And I will praise your holy name.
You are worthy, You are worthy
You are, yes! Only You are worthy.
You are worthy to be praised

Mighty Warrior, Great Jehovah,
Victor, yes! Only you are worthy

Awesome helper, My redeemer,
Healer, yes! Only you are worthy

Sovereign Master, My creator,
GOD YES! Only you are worthy.
You are worthy to be praised

Stricken and beaten, Crucified On Calvary
Only you are worthy.

Bled, Died, Buried in a
Borrowed tomb.
Only you are worthy.

With all power In your hands
You rose again. Only you are worthy.
You are worthy to be praised

From the rising of the sun
Until the going down of the same
You are worthy, You are worthy.
You are, yes! Only You are worthy.

I will lift my voice, And I will praise your holy name
You are worthy, You are worthy.
You are, yes! Only You are worthy.
You are worthy to be praised

We Praise You, We Lift You Up!
We Honor You! Magnify You!

Excellent! Incredible!
Omnipotent! Infallible!

We Praise You, We Lift You Up!
We Honor You! Magnify You!

Excellent! Incredible!
Omnipotent! Infallible!

You are worthy to be praised

Offer your Praise to God

Whom do we praise? The Lord alone (Psalm 148:13). How do we praise Him? With singing (Psalm 149:1), with dancing (verse 2), with musical instruments (Psalm 150:3), with our words (Psalm 35:28), with our actions (Colossians 3:17), with our uprightness (Psalm 119:7), and with all our hearts (Psalm 86:12). When should we praise the Lord? All the time (Psalm 34:1). We should express our adoration, approval, thanksgiving, and celebration to the One who created and redeemed us. “How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!” (Psalm 147:1).

What is your favorite way to praise God? What can you praise Him for right now? Take a moment now to offer your praise to God – and make His praise glorious.

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Psalm 71:8

by Julie Bruce

Psalm 71 8

What if we went the whole entire day with a mouthful of praise and glory — even in rush hour traffic, even when the boss piles on more work, even when the children are not getting along, even when we are tired, frustrated, overwhelmed, angry, or disappointed?  If our mouth is filled with praise to God, there wouldn’t be room for words that would dishonor Him. How would our relationships be different? How would our day change?

No matter what we are going through, we can always find something for which to give God praise and glory. If you’re stuck in traffic, thank Him for a car to drive. Turn on your Christian radio station and sing along with the songs while you inch you’re way home. Instead of grumbling and complaining and getting stressed out and worked up, use the time for personal worship. When the boss gives more work, praise God that He is your strength and help and that He has gifted you with the skills to do the work that needs to be done. When the children are bickering, praise Him for gifting you with them before you go and settle the dispute. Then teach them to settle things in a way that honors God. Through every moment of today, I encourage you to find a way to praise God for every circumstance you face.

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