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Rejoice Exceedingly with Great Joy

Week 3 of Advent: Rejoice

The Wise Men Rejoice

Among traditional Nativity scenes are three Magi, or Wise Men. However, the Wise Men did not see Jesus until he was a toddler. They did not arrive on the night of His birth. We also don’t know exactly how many wise men there were, but we traditionally place three in the Nativity scene because there were three gifts. In reality the wise men would have had a whole caravan of people traveling with them, especially with carrying the expense gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

What does the Bible tell us about these wise men?

One little boy had a unique perspective on who the wise men were. After returning from Sunday school, he was excited to tell his friends about what he had learned. He told them: “I learned in Sunday school today all abut the very first Christmas. Ya see, there wasn’t a Santa way back then, so these three skinny guys on camels had to deliver all the toys!”

Thankfully, the Bible does give us some insight into who these men were and puts it together for us:

We know that the magi were wise men from “the East,” most likely Persia, or modern-day Iran. This means the wise men traveled 800 to 900 miles to see the Christ child. Most likely, the magi knew of the writings of the prophet Daniel, who in time past had been the chief of the court seers in Persia. Daniel 9:24-27 includes a prophecy which gives a timeline for the birth of the Messiah.

The wise men were guided to look for the King of the Jews by a miraculous stellar event, the “Star of Bethlehem,” which they called “His star” (Matthew 2:2). They came to Jerusalem and asked concerning the birth of Christ, and they were directed to Bethlehem (Matthew 2:4–8). They followed God’s guidance joyfully (Matthew 2:10). When they arrived in Bethlehem, they gave costly gifts to Jesus and worshiped Him. God warned them in a dream against returning to Herod, so, in defiance of the king, they left Judea by another route (Matthew 2:12).

So, the magi were men who 1) read and believed God’s Word, 2) sought Jesus, 3) recognized the worth of Christ, 4) humbled themselves to worship Jesus, and 5) obeyed God rather than man. They were truly wise men!

An Example from the Magi

More importantly than knowing about who the magi were, is that there response to being in the presence of Jesus. Matthew 2:10 says:

When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.”

Do we rejoice exceedingly with great joy in the presence of Jesus?

Can we say that we have the same response in presence of Christ as the wise men did? I don’t just mean when we are in church with our hands raised as they sing praise songs. Jesus said in Matthew 28:20, “ I am with you always, to the end of the age.” He is always with us. When we read then, about how the magi responded to the physical presence of Christ, we must keep in mind the reality that we are always in the presence of Christ. Perhaps this is why Paul wrote in Philippians 4:4, “rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice!

Rejoice in the Lord Always

This exhortation to “rejoice in the Lord always” should not only challenge us, but it should also excite us because the Christian life is intended to be a joyful life. We are not to live as if we’ve been defeated. Jesus is victorious and through Him we live in victory too.

Christmas isn’t always a joyful time.

Christmas is not a joyful time. It’s true that the holiday season often inspires feelings of warmth, joy, and belonging. But for some people, this time of year can evoke feelings of loneliness, stress and anxiety.

Holidays and Mental Health

One survey by the American Psychological Association uncovered some interesting data about the holiday blues:

First, while the majority of people in the survey reported feelings of happiness, love, and high spirits over the holidays, those emotions were often accompanied by feelings of fatigue, stress, irritability, bloating, and sadness.

Second, 38% of people surveyed said their stress level increased during the holiday season. Participants listed the top stressors: lack of time, lack of money, commercialism, the pressures of gift-giving, and family gatherings.

Third, 56 percent of respondents reported they experienced the most amount of stress at work. Only 29 percent experienced greater amounts of stress at home.

Holidays can create financial stress

Psychology today also reported that another poll of more than 1,000 adults by the Principal Financial Group — a global investment company — found that 53 percent of people experience financial stress due to holiday spending, despite the fact more than half set budgets for their holiday spending.

Why we have Holiday Blues and don’t rejoice

It is during the Christmas season when we seem to most profoundly miss those people in our life who have passed on. During the Christmas season when we become more prone to anxiety and depression. It is during the Christmas season when we seem to worry most about finances. For these reasons, the Christmas season is not always a joy for every individual.

Overcoming Holiday Blues

We can overcome the sadness and anxiety that bring on the Holiday Blues. As Christians we can win back our joy when we stop to rejoice in the presence of Christ. But, in order to do this, we must first recognize where our difficulties begin. Our difficulties begin when we focus on our circumstances rather than our status as a child who is loved by the Creator of the Universe.

Did Mary rejoice in her circumstances?

We must remember that Mary and Joseph were not overjoyed with their circumstances either. It is true, neither Mary or Joseph rejoiced at the news of Mary’s pregnancy. Mary, who was a virgin, was pregnant out of wedlock. “How can this be?” she asked the angel (Luke. 1:34). Matthew tells us that Joseph initially wanted “to put Mary away quietly” (Matthew. 1:19). In other words, he was going to give her a bill of divorce from their engagement. Mary was confused, Joseph wanted to break up–neither were happy with their circumstances. However, Mary was obedient and after the angel visited Joseph, he too was obedient.

Obedience leads to a change of heart

When we choose to obey God, even when we don’t understand we can experience a change of heart. We see this in Mary and Joseph. An angel convinced Joseph that he should not leave Mary and Luke chapter one records Mary’s new perspective on things, “My soul exalts the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my savior” (Luke. 1:46, 47).

A Lesson to learn from the Magi and Mary

The lesson to be learned here is clear: the Christmas season will be most joyful and life will be most joyful when we take our attention off our circumstances and learn to “rejoice in the Lord“.

To Rejoice in the Lord requires faith

Rejoicing in the Lord requires faith. We are told to rejoice without ceasing. That means whether life is good or bad, we are to rejoice in the Lord. We are instructed to rejoice without ceasing in something that we cannot see or touch. We can be encouraged by the faith of the magi. Matthew 2:10 tells us that they rejoiced with exceeding joy when they saw the star. They had not even left for their journey to see Jesus. They saw the star and had faith in the prophecies they had studied and set out by faith that at the end of 800-900 miles they would see the promised Messiah. The star was all the assurance the magi needed to be convinced of the presence of Christ.

We must stop asking God to rearrange the stars to spell out a sign for us and recognize that the Bible gives us reason to have assurance in the presence of Christ. And this presence should generate in us tremendous joy.

To Rejoice in the Lord requires genuine worship

The second response the magi had to the presence of Christ, we read about in verse 11, “And they came into the house and saw the Child with Mary His mother; and they fell down and worshipped Him; and opening their treasures they presented to Him gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh“.

The first response the magi had to the presence of Christ was that they “rejoiced exceedingly with great joy” and the second response they had to the presence of Christ was that they “worshipped Him” by giving Him “gifts.” Do we bring hearts of genuine worship that lead us to give Him gifts? The apostle Paul tells us in Romans 12, that the gift we bring to Jesus is “to present your bodies as a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” Every part of our lives should be a form of worship to God. That means your marriage, your parenting, your career, your hobbies, your speech, your conduct, and your interaction with other people. The way you live your life each day should be an act of worship.

Gold, frankincense, and myrrh might have been acceptable to the infant Christ, but to the resurrected Christ Paul tells us we must “present (our) bodies” as our manner of worship and in our worship we are to rejoice exceedingly with great joy because we are in the presence of Christ.

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After this week, all the Christmas designs will go back into the “digital vault” until next year. There are only 2 weeks to Christmas. Products are printed when ordered so order now. See all our Christmas designs in the store.

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Here are some of our other Christmas Christian tees designs.

Here are a few samples of our Christmas designs. You can see them all in the store. There are only 5 weeks ’til Christmas. All designs are printed when ordered so you’ll need to give time for printing and shipping. Order early to ensure they arrive in time for wearing this holiday season or giving as gifts.

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Here’s some of our recent posts.

What’s Inside God, Love and Marshmallow Wars?

God, Love and Marshmallow Wars is a book that includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

  • Scripture to memorize and meditate on.
  • Conversation Starters.
  • Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages.
  • Romance Builders.
  • Relationship Builders.
  • Personal reflections.
  • Date ideas.
  • Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples.

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Rejoice with the Angels

Week 3 of Advent: Rejoice

Rejoice! Good News of Great Joy

From the moment of the first sin in the Garden of Eden, mankind waited for the promised Messiah. But we were not the only ones that waited. The angels in heaven had waited as well. And when Jesus was born, they could not contain their joy. They just had to tell someone! They broke through the darkness to appear in the night sky to rejoice that the Savior had been born.

Shepherd receive the first birth announcement

We find in Luke 2 that some shepherds were watching their flock through the night when all of a sudden an angel appeared to them with the good news of great joy. In verses 10-12, the angel says, ” “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.

Sometimes I think we can become guilty of reading the Christmas story in a way that we’ve lost the excitement of the story. We’ve read it so many times, or heard the story over and over and the impact that Jesus’ birth has on the human race is lost. It’s like singing the old, well-known hymns. You can sing all the popular verses without even opening a hymnal, but the words have lost their impact and meaning because we don’t pause and think about what the song is saying. The same is true with the angel’s announcement of Jesus’ birth.

If we stopped to think about what His birth truly means for us, the only possible reaction is to rejoice with exuberant song, just as the angels did.

What we learn from the birth announcement

Rejoice! Fear not!

If you’ve never noticed it, when men encounter God or an angel in the Bible, their first words are, “Fear not.” I don’t know about you, but yes, I would be afraid if an angel just appeared out of nowhere and started talking to me. By the time they appeared to the shepherds, they were probably used to this human reaction. Perhaps that is why their first words were, “Fear not.” I think they could say that to me and I’d still be afraid – just saying! But at the same time, how cool would it be for an angel to come and give you a message from God?

Why would they be afraid? Well, besides the fact they just appeared in the sky out of nowhere, they shown very brightly with the glory of God. So we have floating angels in the sky that shine bright enough to light up the night. And then these shining creatures start speaking. What’s not to be afraid of?

Rejoice! Good News!

Ever since Adam and Eve’s sin, the human race have been sinners. The Old Testament sacrificial system was instituted by God because the price for sin is death. When the animal was sacrificed, it paid the price for the people’s sins. But it had to be done over and over again. The birth of Jesus was the beginning of the end for the old sacrifice system, because Jesus would eventually be the eternal sacrifice and pay the sin debt for every single person ever born. The angel had good news that would bring great joy because the promised Messiah had arrived.

Rejoice! The Good News is for all people

The Old Testament sacrificial system was between Israel and God. Israel was God’s chosen people and He made a covenant with them (which they broke!). It would be through this nation, specifically through the lineage of King David, that the Messiah would be born. But Jesus didn’t come as Savior just for the nation of Israel – He came for all people everywhere throughout the world.

The Angels led the shepherds to Jesus

What if the angels had told the shepherds that Jesus had been born, but didn’t bother to tell them where they could find him? Jesus came for the human race, so the humans needed to know he was here. The angels didn’t appear to everyone – just the shepherds. It would be the shepherds who would then tell everyone else. So the angels told them where Jesus was and how they would know when they found the right baby. That sign was that the baby would be in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.

Remember the reason Mary and Joseph was in Bethlehem? Because the king ordered that everyone had to return to their town of birth to be counted for a census and pay taxes. The town was probably over crowded with people because there was no room in the inn. Mary had her baby in the stables where the animals were kept and Jesus’ crib was a feeding trough. While there were lots of babies around, there was probably one one that had just been born and was resting in a manger. So the shepherds would know when they found the right baby.

The Heavenly Angel Choir

After sharing the exciting news, the angel was joined by a whole host an angels (like one wasn’t reason enough to be afraid!) who was ready to rejoice and they burst out in song, singing:

“Glory to God in the highest,
    and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”
(Luke 2:14)

When we truly understand the reason that Jesus came to earth, each one of us should take time to rejoice this Christmas season and sing with the angels, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”

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Emmanuel – Adore Him – Merry Little Christmas – Ornaments – Reindeer – True Story

Here are some of our other Christmas Christian tees designs.

Here are a few samples of our Christmas designs. You can see them all in the store. There are only 5 weeks ’til Christmas. All designs are printed when ordered so you’ll need to give time for printing and shipping. Order early to ensure they arrive in time for wearing this holiday season or giving as gifts.

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Here’s some of our recent posts.

What’s Inside God, Love and Marshmallow Wars?

God, Love and Marshmallow Wars is a book that includes 365 daily activities and takes you on a guided journey through Biblical principles about Godly marriage that you can then apply to your marriage, as well as helping you talk through concepts that can help you develop a solid relationship. Inside you will find simple, quick activities that include:

  • Scripture to memorize and meditate on.
  • Conversation Starters.
  • Concepts from the Bible on Godly marriages.
  • Romance Builders.
  • Relationship Builders.
  • Personal reflections.
  • Date ideas.
  • Group date ideas for you and other Christian couples.

Available in hardback, paperback and ebook from Westbow Press Bookstore, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Click the icons below to purchase from your preferred bookstore. Now also available at WalMart online.

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Luke 2:1-20

merry christmas

mary joseph JesusAnd it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.  And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.

And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger. And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds.

But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

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Have you seen Julie’s new book: God, Love and Marshmallow Wars? Click here to learn more.

Looking for Christian Christmas gifts and décor? Try these through Christian Book Distributors.

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Luke 2:10-11, 13-14

Dec 12 Luke 2 10-11 13-14Sometimes, when we’ve heard and read the Christmas story every year, over and over, we can have a tendency of it becoming common and we skip over the details. So for a moment, go Imagineering with me. Place yourself out in a field on a dark, starry night. Your flock of sheep around, some sleeping, some grazing and a particular cuddly one comes up to nuzzle you. You settle in for the long night, keeping watch over the sheep and making conversation with the other shepherds with you. Then all of a sudden from pitch darkness there is blinding light with an angel there before you.

If you were there in the field, how do you think you would have felt in that moment? It’s no wonder the first words the angel said to the shepherds were “fear not!” The shepherds were not prepared for the sudden appearance of an angel. It wasn’t like they sat around and said to one another, “I wonder if tonight will be the night we see an angel.” We hear the story after the event occurred, but they did not have a Sunday school teacher who prepared them for this glorious night. They didn’t sit around the flannel graph board with a teacher saying, “Now boys, live right and one day when you grow up you just might see an angel in the night while you watch your sheep.” The fear they felt was genuine…and you would have felt the same.

What if Jesus suddenly appeared to you and had a message for you today? Would you, like the shepherds be afraid? Would you be prepared? Would your home be prepared and ready to welcome Him in? Would your heart be prepared to praise Him and worship Him? The angels sang the first praise song the night of His birth. The shepherds went quickly to find the baby in the manger and worship Him. Once they had worshiped Him, they went out and told everyone they saw all that had happened that night. Are you prepared to share your story of what God has done for you?

As you prepare your heart for Christmas, take time to sing His praise, worship Him, and tell others about Him.

Have you seen Julie’s new book: God, Love and Marshmallow Wars? Click here to learn more.

Looking for Christian Christmas gifts and décor? Try these through Christian Book Distributors.

Looking for a speaker for your next ministry event? Book with us now.

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017 trials great joy

The quote above is from Part 5 of a blog series on Self-Care for people in ministry.
Read the blogs here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5.


Looking for a speaker for your next ministry event? Book with us now.