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Couple Challenge: Faith & Marriage


Philippians 2:3 teaches us that we should not be conceited or live with rivalry between us. Instead, in humility, we need to consider others more important than ourselves. When we live with rivalry, we live in competition to achieve the same objective or to strive for superiority. Being conceited is to be excessively proud of yourself or vain. On the other hand, humility means we don’t think we are better than someone else or that our needs are more important than another person’s needs. It means that we are courteous and respectful of others. It is going beyond what’s deserved and meeting their needs even when it isn’t deserved. Humility allows us to live in peace and harmony with one another. It dissipates anger and helps to heal old emotional wounds. How would living with humility and putting your spouse’s needs above your own impact your relationship or make a difference in your marriage?