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Couple Challenge: Date Day


Purchase a blank canvas and some paint that will match your home décor. Take the paint and canvas outside and “splatter paint” the canvas together. While you wait for the paint to dry, head to the beach and collect a variety of seashells. Take them home, wash them well, and allow them to dry. Use glue guns to glue the shells to the canvas. After it dries completely, use a spray on matte varnish to protect your artwork, and then hang it in your home. If you don’t live near the beach, go for a nature walk and collect a variety of items such as leaves, acorns, etc. and create your canvas from these items rather than shells.

Let the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice; let the sea and all that fills it resound. Let the fields and everything in them exult. Then all the trees of the forest will shout for joy. —
Psalm 96:11-12


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