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Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love

Have you ever messed up so bad that you felt as if God couldn’t love you? The good news is it’s impossible for a Christian to ever be separated from God’s love. To believe otherwise is to believe a lie straight from Satan. Satan would love for you to believe that it’s impossible for God to love you. He wants you to live defeated. He wants to steal your joy. Satan wants you to waller around in guilt and shame rather than living a victorious life in Christ.(Click to tweet)Why? Because then you are not winning others to Christ. But Paul tells us in the second half of Romans 8 that there is nothing that can separate us from the love God.

Because of God’s love for us, who can be against us?

In Verse 31 of Romans 8, Paul starts out asking, “If God is for us, who can be against us? We can have a sure reality that God is on our side. He is for us. Sometimes it seems that everyone and everything is against us. The world, political people who try to stamp our Christianity, Satan, secularist, false religions, our enemies, and even our own sinful nature flesh. But God is sovereign and He loves us and through Him we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37) and there is nothing that can separate us from His love. Jesus conquered death and Satan on the cross and in doing so we have assurance that nothing can change God’s love or purpose for us. (Click to tweet) 

1 Peter 1:5 tells us that we are kept by the power of God through faith for salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” In Jeremiah 31:3, God says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore, I have continued to extend faithful love to you.” Everlasting and faithful love – that’s God’s love for us!

God’s love is forever

God’s love is forever. He loved us even while we were yet sinners and sent Jesus to die for us (Romans 5:8). And in John 15:13, we find that there is no greater love than to lay down ones life for their friends, which is exactly what Jesus did for us. Psalm 36:5 says, “Lord, Your faithful love reaches to heaven, Your faithfulness to the clouds.” There simply is no greater or deeper love than what God feels for us as His children. Because of His love, how could we not love Him in return with all of our heart, soul, and might?

So be assured, my friend, that no matter what you are going through or how much you might have messed up, (Yes! Even that thing your thinking of!) God loves you. Not convinced yet? Look at this long list of Bible people who messed up, but God chose to use them anyway:

People in the Bible who Messed up and still experienced God’s love

Old Testament Men

  • David, was guilty of murder, lying, adultery, and coveting and stealing a neighbor’s wife. Yet he confessed His sins and God forgave him. God called David “a man after his own heart” and it was through David’s ancestral line that Jesus was born.
  • Moses was a murderer and had a stuttering problem, but God used him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into the promised land.
  • Jonah ran from God, but after three days in the belly of a fish, the fish spat him out and Jonah went to Nineveh as God had told him to – as a result the city repented and God spared them from His destruction.
  • Jacob was a cheater but God would change his name to Israel his 12 sons would become the 12 tribes of Israel.
  • Noah, who was the only righteous man left on earth and God saved from the flood got drunk and slept naked, but through him the human race survived.
  • Gideon was insecure and had to test God with a fleece rather than just trusting what God said. But God used him to defeat Israel’s enemies.
  • Abraham was old and guilty of taking part in Sarah’s solution to God’s promise, but he became the father of the nation of Israel.
  • Elijah was moody and had a problem with depression – even to the point of wanting to die, but God did many miracles through him.

Old Testament Women

  • Rahab was a prostitute but it would be through her ancestral line that Jesus would be born.
  • Tamar dressed up as a prostitute and coerced her father-in-law, Judah, to have sex with her and she bore twin sons. One of these sons was the ancestor of King David, a direct lineage to Christ.
  • Sarah was impatient and tried to help God out with the promise of child and gave her maid to Abraham so that he could father a child through her. Then she ended up hating her maid out of jealousy. But in God’s timing, Sarah had her own child, Isaac and from them the entire nation of Israel.

New Testament

  • Saul, before his Damascus Road experience, persecuted and killed Christians. Yet once He encountered Jesus, God used Paul to spread the gospel to the Gentiles.
  • Peter denied knowing Jesus when Jesus was on trial, but Jesus chose Him to be the rock that He would build His church on and Peter spent the rest of his life leading others to Christ.
  • Martha was a worrier, but she, along with her brother Lazarus and sister Mary,  was one of Jesus’ closest friends
  • Thomas was a doubter, but he was still one of the 12 disciples
  • The Woman at the Well had five previous husbands and the man she was living with when she encountered Jesus at the well she wasn’t married to, but she led her entire village to Christ
  • The Woman caught in adultery discovered the grace and forgiveness of God. When others condemned her to being stoned to death, Jesus forgave her.

The common denominator is God’s Love

The one thing that all these people had in common was the God loved them and chose to use them as part of His plan to redeem the lost. There is nothing we can do to separate us from the love of God and regardless of what sins are in your past, God can redeem and use you too.

God’s Love Is Unfailing

In 1981, Evie Karlssen wrote a beautiful song called “Unfailing Love” Take a moment and listen to the song on YouTube as you read the lyrics and contemplate the everlasting and faithful love of God .

Evie – Unfailing Love (1981, Vinyl) - Discogs

Unfailing love flows from his heart and heals my soul,
In spite of who I am, he loves and makes me whole.
I almost can’t believe its true,
Unfailing love and yet I know
He gave his life to give to me unfailing love.

If the highest mountains turn to ashes,
If the mighty rivers should run dry
Should sun and moon grow dim,
I still will trust in him,
He’s watching from above,
I’m resting in his love.

Unfailing love flows from his heart and heals my soul,
In spite of who I am, he loves and makes me whole.
I almost can’t believe its true,
Unfailing love and yet I know
He gave his life to give to me unfailing love.

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Want to know more about self-care? Our Self-Care blog series targets people who serve in any ministry position and takes a Biblical approach to self-care.

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