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Deuteronomy 6:6-7. Is Taking Our Kids to Church Enough?

March 08 Deuteronomy 6 6-7

As Christian parents, is it enough to take your kids to church every Sunday? Absolutely not. We need to find every opportunity possible to teach them about God. We need to start them at a young age of reading their Bible every day and learning how to pray. They need to lean about God through the examples that we set – how we spend our money, the words we use and the tones in which they are said, what we watch on TV, and how we react in rush hour traffic. Every moment of every day. That’s what God expects from us. In Deuteronomy God said we are to be diligent about teaching them the ways of God. We should be teaching them at home, on the road, walking through the park, as they lay down to sleep each night, and the first thing when they wake up in the morning. We should teach them to recognize God’s blessing and to hear His “still, small voice.” We should teach them about tithing. We should teach them to be servant leaders. We should teach them to bear the image of Christ. We should help them memorize Bible verses to hide in their hearts. We should teach them songs that honor and glorify God and teach them how to thank Him for everything. Parenting is tough and we all mess up at it. But even the “mess ups” become opportunities for teaching children about God’s grace and forgiveness.

God, thank you for the blessing of our children. Bringing them up in the admonition of the Lord is hard work, but with Your help, we commit to raising them in the full knowledge of who you are. Help us to parent them well, teaching them diligently about your love for them.

Below are some resources on Christian Parenting from Christian Book Distributors:

Shepherding a Child’s Heart, Revised and UpdatedBy Tedd Tripp / Shepherd Press

Many parenting books are based on hit-or-miss theories steeped in secular thinking. This one draws from Pastor Tripp’s seasoned experience as a father-and from God’s Holy Word. Grounded in the Bible’s divine plan for parenting, this guide defines your goals as a parent and provides the Scriptural methods for accomplishing them.

Praying Circles Around Your ChildrenBy Mark Batterson / Zondervan

Become a praying parent! Based on his bestseller The Circle Maker, Mark Batterson shares five key lessons to help you become extraordinary influences in your children’s lives. With biblical insights and practical advice, he illustrates how to create prayer lists unique to your family, claim God-inspired promises for your children, and discover their individual life themes.

Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family – 
By Paul David Tripp / Crossway

In Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family, author Paul David Tripp explores 14 practical and gospel-centered principles that will help parents see their role through the lens of God’s Word and change the way they interact with their children. Principles include grace, identity, lies, authority, foolishness, and character.

Raising Giant-Killers: Releasing Your Child’s Divine Destiny Through Intentional ParentingBy Bill Johnson with Beni Johnson / Chosen

Discover the keys to successful parenting in God’s kingdom! The Johnsons help you gain the wisdom and practical tools to shape your children’s hearts, minds, and values. As you help them follow the Lord’s destiny for their lives, you’ll lead them to become the awesome people he created them to be. 239 pages, hardcover from Chosen.

The above links are affiliate links and will take you to Christian Book Distributor’s website. Any purchase made there through these links provide a commission to this ministry that is used to expand and grow this ministry.

spring divider 2

God, Love and Marshmallow Wars: This book contains 365 daily challenges for couples to strengthen their relationships to each other and with God. Couples will complete activities such as Scripture memory, conversation starters, relationship builders, learning about Biblical marriage, romance builders, personal reflections, and date ideas. Click here to purchase your copy. (This link will open a new widow and take you to Westbow Press’ bookstore.) Also available on Amazon and Barnes & Nobel. It is also available at Christian Book Distributors, Amazon, and Barnes & Nobel


Looking for a speaker for your next ministry event? Julia is booking for 2019 and 2020 events. Book with us now. Click the link and fill out the online form or call us at 904.524.8073.

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3 John 4

3 john 1 4

Be sure to check out our fundraising event. We have six t-shirts that will help you express your faith in a fun way.


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Couple Challenge: Relationship Builder


One might be able to say that the first prayer walk occurred when Joshua and the Children of Israel marched around the city of Jericho, although there were no instructions from God that they were to pray as they walked. However, I could imagine that quite a few prayers went up as they walked around the city every day for six days and then seven times around it on the seventh day. Today, in our schools, there may not be a formal time of prayer, but as long as there are tests in schools, there will be prayer! Before your children or grandchildren start back to school, take some time to prayer walk the schools they attend. Pray for the teachers that will be in each classroom and the ones that will be teaching your children and grandchildren. Pray for the students that will walk the halls and sit in the desks. Pray for the administration that will be leading the school. Pray for coaches and sports teams to honor God as they play. Pray for safety, wisdom, understanding and knowledge for every student and teacher. If you don’t have children or choose to homeschool your children, pick a school in your neighborhood to pray for. Add the school(s) to your daily prayer list and pray for the teachers, students, and faculty daily.

Be sure to check out our fundraising event. We have six t-shirts that will help you express your faith in a fun way.


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Happy Mother’s Day

Mother's Day